Chapter 7

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As I leave the workshop, I run into Rose...Literally. She laughs it off, and asks me to walk with her.

"How are you adjusting,"She asked.

"Pretty well, I guess. I mean, I can do with the peridots ignoring me while they talk to me,"I said.

Rose laughed and said,"Yes, well they don't do it on purpose. But I must ask you something."
"Yes,"I start to worry.

" What happen? And I want the truth."
"Huh," I said. I was truly confused.

"Well, there are gems here that wander off too often. That you disappear for hours at a time.And one of them swore they saw you come out my tent."

" The truth..."I said trailing off. I knew I should have been more careful. I took a deep breath and continued. " I was separated from my escorts, but I was already planning to run away. I was summoned here, but no one told me. I just assumed it was to be a messenger or something. I saw an opportunity and I took it."

"And what about you disappearing?"
"Well, I wanted to explore a bit. I never seen so much water before. I guess I lost track of time. Not to mention I am pretty small compared to most of these gems, so they probably overlook me by accident.And the tent thing, well I found a sword. I thought it belonged to Pearl so I took it to your tent,well actually I didn't know it was your tent until now, seeing how she's always with you. I snuck out the back because I didn't want it to look like I was eavesdropping. I'm truly sorry for any problem I may have caused."
I lied straight through my teeth, but she didn't need to know that. I looked down at my feet to top off my performance.

"Lapis, listen. I'm not mad,"Rose said," Right now everyone's on edge. After that attack and all. They think someone among them betrayed us. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this. Thank you for tell me the truth."
Rose walked away. I turn to go find someone to talk to. At least make an attempt to look like I'm social. I am once again pulled to the side by none other than Bismuth.

"I don't know what game you're playing at, but whatever sob story you're telling everyone, I'm not buying,"she said and walked away.

Someone saw and came to me and asked if I way ok. I decided to put on a show.

"Yeah..I guess. I'm just tired of trying to prove that you guys can trust me."I said tearing up a little.

"Hey, don't cry. But If it will make you feel better, a lot of people hear trust you. I mean the you saved one of the peridots, and they rarely say thanks to anyone. ,"The gem said.
I thanked her and went to find Biggs, maybe I can talk to her. Everyone was sparring when I managed to find them. I was really surprised when I saw a peridot.

"Um...5D9P what are you doing here,"I asked.

"Correction, I am XL7. That is alright. Very few gems can tell us apart. I am here because I was separated from my sisters. I was told to stay here while they were retrieved. What are you doing here,"she said.

"Oh, sorry. Do you need anything?" I said.


"Well, it's nice talking to you without the others."
"I am confused."
"Oh, "I said," Well I was told you and the other peridots kept to yourselves most of the time."
"Correct. Peridots are technicians on Homeworld, I assume you know of this,"She started.

I nodded and she continued,"Well, us peridots rarely work with other gems. We are not use to the idea of intergem projects. The only other gem here we work with is the bismuth."
"Really,"I said. This is interesting.

"Yes, bismuths are to make weapons and build structures for Homeword. Spires, arenas, and so on. Peridots will sometimes work with them when it came to supply proper defenses in it was called for. Bismuths and peridot really only work together when we are building ships. We don't really know how to talk to other gems."
An amethyst came with the other peridots.
"Now this time stay together."she said.
5D9P said,"It was not a problem until we were called for the final head count."
"Not to mention that rumor going around,"said. 4L8Q

"Yes, who do you think it is, sister,"asked 3X5

"The only logical people are the pearl, permafusion Garnet and Lazuli,"XL7 said.

"However," said 5D9P,"The pearl and permafusion Garnet are always with Rose Quartz."

"And Lazuli is with us a majority of the time,"4L8Q said, finishing the statement.

"Do they always do this,"I whispered to the huge Amethyst.
"You get used to it."she said.

"So, in conclusion, the rumor is, if anything, illogical."XL7 said in confidence.

"Plus, It would make more sense if it was someone who is here since the beginning" said 3X5.

"And with a vendetta against Rose,"said 5D9P.

Vendetta..against Rose. Why? What did she do?

"Okay guys. Let's get you back to the shop. Bismuth needs your help with something,"Amethyst said.

I wanted ask them what Rose did, but I think it was better to hear it from Rose herself. I found the fusion, my alibi for being the last one is still valid.

"Hello, Lapis."she said.
"Garnet...I wanted to ask you...Why stay fused?"
"Because why not."
"That's not what I -- I mean why The gems that make you, maybe they want to experience it too."

"Well, in a way they are. My memories are theirs and their memories are mine. Does that make sense."
"No....but I'm pretty sure I will one day."
I left her to go back with the peridots. I overheard something about a battalion moving in soon.


Watching her from the shadow, Bismuth still does not trust her. And Lapis made it quite obvious she didn't like or trust Bismuth. Bismuth saw her come out Rose's tent. Bismuth saw her leave the camp for hours only to return with some piss poor excuse. This time...This time she will not get away with betraying everyone's trust.

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