Chapter 11

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I have seen the sun and moon rise and fall. I have seen the sky become clear one day, and grey another. Many days have past...more like months. It could even been years. I gave up hope. This is my punishment.

More days have passed. I am beginning to think that the war is over. But what was that light. What was it? It was almost like a song..but it wasn't....


"Rose I don't see why we have to check these Warp Pads,"Pearl said.

"We can't be too careful, my Pearl."Rose said.

"Hey, what's that big one,"Amethyst asked.
She's a lot smaller that the other one we knew, but still.

"Well, Amethyst, that is a direct Warp to Homeworld."Rose said.


"Garnet are there anymore active Warp pads to Gem controlled territory,"Rose asked.

"No...Most of these probably were inactive since the incident...."Garnet said.

Pearl walked around and found a mirror.

"Rose..look...It has a lapis gem,"Pearl said.

"Do you think..."Garnet started to ask.

"I highly doubt it. Bismuth said she tried to help fight, but was poofed. We never were able to find her gem."
"Maybe Homeworld captured her?" Amethyst said.

"If that were true, she's probably dead."

Are they talking about me? Pearl! I'm in here. Please release me!
"How did you get in here?"Rose asked.

I showed her I was placed in here.
"I think this what Lapis was talking about,"Garnet said.

"Who,"Amethyst asked

"A long time ago, we know a lapis. She was a special gem. She was quite the talk of the Crystal Gems battalion. A few didn't trust her, but a few peridots like her...but they went missing.And our lapis was lost in battle. If anything, it's just another Homeworld gem."

"Well, we can't leave it here,"Pearl said picking it up.

Wait ,please, let me out. Pearl...Garnet, I am that Lapis. I wasn't lost. I was poofed by that bismuth. Please let me out. Where are the peridots? Are they okay? long do you plan to keep me in here...

....I'm sorry,

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