Chapter 18

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As I walked back to Peridot, I started to think about all these 'what if's' it became unbearable.

'What if Steven didn't get my message?'

'What if the Wailing Stones can process this new technology?'

'What if he gets my message too late?'

'What if the Crystal Gems ignore it?'

'What if, what if, WHAT IF?'

I looked up to see the jasper. She's said to be the best out of all the gems from her colony. That she's perfect, that she's the best warrior. Next to her is Peridot. Looking at her screen, again. Another lapis did say that a lot of Era 2's depend on technology due to a shortage of some kind.

"This still doesn't make sense. The Red Eye didn't send back any data stating there were gems in Earth. And not to mention the Steven may became the prominent species on Earth. This may be a problem until I can get a confirmation," She complained.

"This still doesn't answer my questions,"I stated.

"Oh, and what question is that,"Jasper challenged.

"Why I'm going back to Earth. Wouldn't I be more valuable here," I questioned.

"Though, logically she is correct, staying here would give us an advantage, but you actually were on Earth,"Peridot stated," And most likely know more about these..'Crystal Gems' than I do."

I still didn't want to go back. I just got back. I sucked it up and walked with them to the ship we were taking. It's much larger and grander than the ships I was used to. Then it hit.

"I'm older than both of you," I said.

"Obviously,"Jasper said,"but don't think that makes you the leader of this little expedition."

"I wasn't. I'm just surprised is all,"I responded, bitterly.

"How long will this take,"I asked.

"Approximately 3.324564 Crystal System rotation of...2 Earth Months at our current speed."she answered.

She have seen the looks on mine and Jasper's faces. Jasper then commented on the fact that Peridot could have been replaced before they left. I told Jasper that she could been replaced too. We went back and forth for a while before I went and had Peridot lock me in a cell. It's better than being anywhere near that Jasper.

'At least now I can think,' I though. But with what time? Peridot said that with our current speed would could be there in two Earth months. That means this ship can go even fast and we'd be there in anywhere from seconds to days. I hope they're prepared.....

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