Chapter 15

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When I arrived on Homeworld...So much changed.

"This nothing like I remembered." I mumbled .

"Halt! State your name." a gem commanded.

"I am Lapis Lazuli facet 6."

The other gem that was their pulled out some odd flat device. Another gem showed up.

" Yes, this is Topaz facet 9-12 cut GL8. I need to speak to P--"

I know that voice. Peridot 3X5...It's been so long.

"Yes there is a lapis here and-

"Illogical. All Lazulis are accounted for on their assigned colony."


"And those who are not assigned are still accounted for in Blue Diamond's court."

4L8Q! They are all here..But what about....

"XL7,There are a few gems that were schedule to be reassigned. Was she listed?"

5D9P...They were...working for Homeworld.

" Just bring the Lazuli here. If she is listed we can get this sorted...Facet XJ9! That is not up to code. Take it down and start again. "

The screen went black. It's so advance here. We needed a wailing stone or a lapis to carry'm...

"Come with us," Topaz said.

"We need to figure out who you are and where you came from,"The other gem finished.


I gotten a feel for the new Homeworld. Th platform we were on sped across the top of the gem city.Everything has changed so much. Where was rivers, there are roads and steel. Where there was Trees, there are buildings that seem to touch the sky. Even some of the gems changed. I see a few with these..prosthesis? Did something happen to them when they came out of their Kindergarten?

"We're here,"Topaz said.

We are greeted by a orange gem. I was pushed by them. I hate being this small. I just need to get away from them.

" I need to speak to my diamond." I said.

" We need to see who you are first,"the orange gem said.
" Well I was told otherwise. Now I will only say this once more, I NEED TO SEE BLUE DIAMOND!"

It was an innocent question, but still.

"That's none of your concerns."
We arrived to some room and I see XL7.
"You three are dismissed.Please state your gem , facet , and cut." her monotonous voice droned, not looking up from a screen.

The gems that escorted me here left me with the peridot.

"Lapis Lazuli Facet 6 ."

"And your cut? "

I sighed and answered with,"I don't have a cut."

"Odd. Only Era 1 Lazulis are listed with out cuts. "
"XL7 you know me." I blurted out.
XL7 finally look up. Her face filled with shock and recognition. The other three peridots came out of what looked like a advance workshop.
"4L8Q, 3X5, 5D9P, all of you know me. We spent time together. During the Rebellion! You were with them."

One of them called for a guard. I was grabbed and dragged away. I was placed in a cell and was abandoned.

Some time passed and the peridots came.
"Lazuli....I know you are upset, but please here us out,"XL7 started.

"By order of our Diamond, we were to begin a back up project,"5D9P said.

"We were working in the Kindergarten at the time, and had the material to do so," 4L8Q explain.

"We had intelligence of a fusion of two different gems. So we were charged with a new project,"3X5 said.

"However, since we are Era 1 we are no longer in charge of the project."

"We had to reassign it to another Peridot."
"Sadly she is an Era 2."

"What is this talk of Era 2" I inquired.

"You will learn soon enough,"XL7 said,"For now, you shall remain here. I assume you were also charged with a project from the Elite."

3X5 cut in and said,"No matter, they will hear of you in a matter of moments. Good bye for now Lazuli."

And at that they left ....


"A Lazuli...without a cut?" White Diamond voiced

"My dear, White Diamond, my older Lazulis don't have cuts. " Blue Diamond said.

"But how? Aren't most of the lazulis on assignment," Yellow Diamond implored.

"Yes,"Yellow Pearl inputted

Yellow Diamond patted her head. Blue Pearl stood silently at her Diamond's side. White Pearl was not as egotistical as Yellow Pearl, but not refine like Blue Pearl. She was regal and knew of a lot of new laws before any other.

"Not to mention, she could be one of ...them,"Yellow Diamond hissed out.

"Until we know what purpose this gem has here, she is to be confined to the prisons" White Diamond said.

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