Deidara x Reader

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(A/N): Please read the Author's note after the story, thank you :)

Requested by:

Word count: 367


Bleeding out of your vagina for five days straight was not the best thing, but it is when you have a boyfriend who's (sort of) willing to be a personal slave!

You curled up on the bed, groaning loudly due to the cramps you were currently having. 

"Dei!~~~~", you whined.

You heard Deidara's heavy footsteps come closer and closer. He stood in front of you and sighed in annoyance, "What?"

You smiled cutely at him, causing him to turn red and almost walk away. 


"What?", he blew his bangs out of his face. 

"Can you get me chocolate? Please?", you asked, giving him puppy-dog eyes.

He stared down at you for a moment before letting out a grunt of defeat, "Fine. I'll be back in 10 minutes."

You cheered to yourself as he left through the front door. You curled back up on the bed, getting comfy again under the covers before falling asleep.

Deidara's POV

"(Y/N)! I'm back!", he yelled, holding a small plastic bag.

He didn't hear you cheer or run down to him. All he heard was silence.

Confused, he walked to the bedroom you two shared. "(Y/N)?", he said softly as he lightly pushed the door open. He found you lying on the bed, peacefully asleep.

He let out a breath of relief, now that he found out that nothing bad happened to you. He admired you from the foot of the bed, smiling a bit. He slowly climbed in next to you and caressed your face.

He was too entranced into how soft your skin is to notice that your eyes opened, revealing you (Eye color) eyes.

"Crap, did I wake you?", he asked, retracting his hand away from your face. You shook your head sleepily. Deidara reached down to the foot of the bed, where he had placed the bag of chocolate before climbing into bed.

"I got the chocolate", he smirked, feeling proud for meeting your request. He opened one of the packages and placed them into your mouth. 

You squealed happily as you savored the sweet chocolate. You hugged Deidara and placed a feathery kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you~", you whispered. 

He hugged you back and returned the kiss, "You're welcome....This is the last day right?"

"Nope. I have 3 days to go"

"*loud sigh*"

(A/N): Thank you for those who followed directions for the requests! This is first out of the 5 of the requests I've gotten for this book :) Alaska-Takahashi I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's so short... GUYS: I still have spots available for requests on the following books; 

*BTS x Reader

*Mystic Messenger x Reader

If you want to request for either of those books, please PRIVATE MESSAGE ME. IF YOUR REQUEST IS WRITTEN IN THE COMMENTS, IT WILL NOT COUNT. THANK YOU :) ~jazmynecchi

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