My Hero ~Itachi Uchiha x Reader~

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You and your friend ran in through the forest, desperate for help. Two Akatsuki members were after you. You and your friend were cornered by a large shark man. "We heard that you have some information about us, the Akatsuki. You have the choice of either working with us, or being killed.", he said.

You let out a shaky breath and said you would rather be killed than join the Akatsuki. You saw Itachi, someone who was well known in Konoha, stare at you.

"Alrighty then...", Kisame said, unsheathing his samehada. You closed your eyes and heard the sword slash the air, but it never came. Instead, someone carried you bridal style and jumped through the trees. You looked up and saw Itachi focusing on what was ahead of him. "Wait! where's-". You heard a loud scream from the spot where you and your friend were cornered. "NO! (Y/F/N)!", you screamed. Itachi began jumping through the trees faster until Kisame couldn't track him down.


You woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was dim and creepy, but cozy and warm at the same time. Your eyes felt puffy and your nose was clogged. You got up to look around the room. You looked on a shelf that had a bloodstained family portrait. Itachi, his parents, and his younger brother, Sasuke. The door suddenly opened and you quickly turned around. Itachi stood there, looking at you with his stoic expression. "U-uh, where am I?", you asked. "The Akatsuki Hideout.", he answered, still standing there. You felt awkward, "So what's going to happen to me?"

"I told the leader that you were exceptional at ninjustu and genjutsu, almost at my level. So he decided to keep you alive and give you another chance to choose to work with us or be killed.", Itachi said, walking over to the family portrait. A hint of sadness appeared in his eyes when he looked at his parents and little brother. You looked at it with him. "I'll join. Just because I know you need someone.", you said.

"Thank you, (Nickname)..."

"Thank you for saving me.", you looked at him and smiled...for the first time since he left Konoha.

(A/N): PLOT TWISTTTTTTT. THE READER AND ITACHI** (EDIT BC I JUST REALIZED  PUT KISAME 😂😂) WERE ACTUALLY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS. This was requested by BBFridaythe13. Hope you like it and hope you like my little plot twist .^. this one is so short TT^TT

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