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+i'm super, ultra, mega and superb sorry for the delay (._.) i had to do something yesterday, this is a little bit long and i hope you'll like the update and oh! i'm going to switch to 3rd person pov

haine's eyes were fixated on the door as her hands twitched every so often, her nerves wouldn't calm down, her eyes were on the verge of letting a pool of tears, she felt the forming of a lump inside her throat and it didn't help but make her feel...

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haine's eyes were fixated on the door as her hands twitched every so often, her nerves wouldn't calm down, her eyes were on the verge of letting a pool of tears, she felt the forming of a lump inside her throat and it didn't help but make her feel even more on the edge. even if the girl was seated comfortably on a pale, plastic chairs her mind was in an internal conflict.

howls and screams. as the brunette-haired wait for her appointment, the horrendous screams from the place filled her ears and it was surely devastating and torturous. people from different place yearned one thing as they screamed the one thing they wished to have once more – freedom.

the girl tried to think of positive things , she tried to divert his attention as her eyes trailed on the ceiling – it was brown with a tinge of red. red, just with the thought of the color, the girl's mind started to drift on her frightening dream – two children and jeon.

jeon, just with the mention of his name in her mind was enough to make her weak once more. she couldn't believe it, she just couldn't fathom that this would ever happen. haine never thought that this could ever happen, just like what jeon used to tell her that happened in his dream.

"it was just a dream. dreams won't happen, kookie"

eyes slowly tearing up, she remembered herself once more, she remembered her say those regretful words. haine recalled how she used to reassure jeon that dreams would forever remain as a figment of our minds and nothing more than fantasy.

funny how she ended up seating here, alone on the dreadful place – in prison.

the girl's body was shivering in fright and even though she tried to keep her nerves calm, she couldn't and she wouldn't. she has been waiting for almost thirty minutes just to finally see him – after having two days of contemplation, she finally had the courage to visit him.

haine had so many questions to ask — she wanted to know why, she wanted to know if jeongguk really did kill her sister, she wanted to get answers even if it would scar her even more. jeongguk said he loved her sister and yet why? why did he kill her? did he really killed eunha or was he only framed up?

"haine?" her train of thoughts were popped into thin bubbles once she saw the door open and a tear-striken yoongi came into her view. yoongi looked like all his blood were drained in his body – eyes swollen, voice hoarse and disheveled hair as if he pulled it a countless of times.

haine wanted to ask why yoongi looked so miserable and stressed but before she could do so, the older opened his mouth once more. "w—why are you here? isn't it bad for the baby?"

the two's eyes met and she didn't know how to respond to the boy. she sat frozen, unable to properly come into words of how badly she wanted to ask why and to know what really happened. she wanted to ask the older but there was something in yoongi's aura that screamed that he wouldn't speak a word even if he died.

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