Chapter 7 - Daisy

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God," I whisper, rushing to pull on a pair of jeans. I slip a clean shirt over my head, not even caring if I match. I slip on tennis shoes.

I heard Niall calling Zayn while Eleanor called Payton.

I run to the bathroom to brush my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I grab a purse and get some tampons. God, I look like shit. I gawk at the mirror.

Not the priority right now, Katie!

I rush out, seeing both of Niall dressed. We all rush downstairs. In the driveway was Lou and El's car. Louis wasn't in the passenger seat. I slip in the back to find him crying his eyes out, sobbing into his hands. I immediately pull him into a hug. He cried onto my shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay, Boo," I sigh, petting his hair.

"My sister was shot, Katie. My little sister, the one I'm suppose to be protecting," he said harshly, pointing tp his chest. His face was red and blotchy. His voice was raspy. Tears trailed down his face, "was almost killed. I wasn't there to protect. No, I'm in London living my dream when-"

"Louis, don't say that. It's not your fault," I told him as Niall closed the door, sitting in the passenger seat. "You couldn't have stopped it even if you were there."

"Katie, she's sitting up there scared to death!" Louis shrieked. His bottom lip quivered. "While Mum was telling me what would happen, I heard Lottie in the background crying for me. I'm suppose to be there for them and I wasn't!" He looked away, pursing his lips. Letting out a shaky breath through his nose. He looks out the window. "I can't believe this."


Liam and Danielle had came in our car. Payton, Harry, Zayn, Perrie, and Paul drove in the other car.

Louis dashed into the hospital, pushing through the doors. We stayed close behind.

A few people gasp seeing One Direction enter the hospital. Louis gripped the counter, looking at the lady behind it with big, watery eyes. "I need to know RIGHT NOW where Daisy Tomlinson is. What room is she in?"

"Louis, calm-" Danielle starts.

He turned to her hissing, "Don't tell me to calm down!" He looked back at the lady expectantly.

"I'm sorry, sir. Only fam-"

"DAMMIT, WOMAN! THAT'S MY SISTER! MY SISTER WAS SHOT AND I NEED TO KNOW WHERE SHE IS RIGHT NOW!" His face dropped in a sour frown, "Or I'll find out myself," he spat.

She gaped at him. "Um, Miss Tomlinson?"

He nods a bit, "Daisy Tomlinson."

"Room 285, in intensive care."

We took off down the hall as she started to tell us that we couldn't come. We didn't listen though. Louis ran, I mean, not a sprint. A full out run, not even breaking a sweat. Liam and I were able to stay right behind him the best. Louis took a sharp turn, slamming into a male nurse practitioner. He cursed, pushing him away and making him slam into the wall. Doctors and patients all gasp, watching us run down the hall.

"Two-seventy-nine. Two-eighty. Two-eighty-one. Two-eighty-two. Two-eighty-three. Two-eighty-four. Two-eighty-five!" Louis shouts, swinging around and slamming the door open. I watch as the girls looked up and gasped before throwing themselves into the his arms. A chorus of "Louis" and "Boobear"s. Tears trailed down all of their cheeks. We pile into the room behind them.

"B-boobear," Félicité whimpers, hugging his neck.

Phoebe cried into his chest, "B-boo, I was so scared," she sobs. "Everyone started screaming and people fell down and Daisy started crying, falling on the floor."

"Someone turned off the lights and when they came back on, the man was gone. What if he's still out there?" Charlotte chokes out, wiping her eyes.

Louis wrapped them all in a hug, "It's alright," he whispers, "I won't let that bastard lay a finger on any of you."

I bite my lip. I look at Daisy who laid on the bed asleep. She was hooked up to an IV. A clear liquid in the bag hanging from the rack. A heart moniter was on the opposite side of the bed, beeping.

"So what's the case?" Liam asked. Eleanor got a phone call from Harry, Payton, Perrie, and Zayn so she left to bring them to the room.

"When the shots went off, a lot of people began screaming and jumping up to run around. The bullet grazed Daisy's stomach straight across. They had to do surgery to her stomach on the left side and apply skin because it cut so deep there. She bleed a lot, actually. They just fixed her up. The police at the scene asked a lot of people questions and a few people died," Mark answered as the other's spilled in.

"Daisy actually got really lucky compared to the other wounds," Jay sniffled. She raised a hand to wipe her tears. "Daisy got out of surgery about an hour ago. She's suppose to wake up any minute." She swallows.

"Poor baby," Perrie sighs. I step towards Daisy to run my fingers through her hair. "She shouldn't have been put through that," I said quietly, "None of you did."

There wasn't much room in the hospital room so half of us had to sit on the counter that had windows overlooking the parking lot.

Fifteen minutes into the visit, Daisy finally stirred, whimpering. She raised a hand to cover her eyes from the bright hospital room lighting. She looked around although half of them noticed. I kept my mouth closed, smiling as her eyes landed on the man who held her hand. Her eyes went big and soon, her bottom lip quivered. Tears filling her eyes.

"L-Louis!" She threw herself at him before he could even swing around towards her. He held her as she cried into his neck, gripping the front of his shirt. A sad look on his face, yet he continued to rub her back as she cried and kiss her forehead.

Tears prick my eyes as I watched them. Daisy ranted and rambled about how she missed her brother and how she was so scared and how it how so much. She went on and on about how the police asked her questions and how people screamed and how the lights flickered then the man was gone.

I felt Niall grip my waist before dragging me closer to him, burying his face in my hair. Big softie.

This is the guy who cried during Finding Nemo. I asked him once why he cried and he looked at me and said, "He almost died. And Dory almost died, too! You are a cruel person not to cry for that! DORY ALMOST BECAME MY DINNER! THAT POOR, POOR FISHIE! And then they all got back together and became a family." I couldn't help but laugh at that, at the time.

"It's gonna be alright," Louis murmured, petting Daisy's hair.

She sniffled against his neck, whimpering. "I-I missed you, Boo."

"I know you did. I missed you, too." He laid his head in her hair.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I watched them.

Lay Down In My Arms - Niall Horan Fanfiction (Trilogy to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now