Lights, Cameras, & Action

Start from the beginning

"Cami looks beautiful

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"Cami looks beautiful." [Broadway]

Leon was saying the same thing about Violetta, in his head.

"Leon." [Maxi]

"What Maxi?" [Leon]

"I know you are in love with Violetta but try not to make it so obvious." [Maxi]

"What are you talking about? I am not in love with Violetta." [Leon]

"Right. That is why you couldn't stop starring at her a minute ago." [Andres]

"No, I was looking at all the girls." [Leon]

"Leon accept the fact that you can't help but to feel things for whenever Violetta is around you." [Maxi]

"No. Because it's pointless." [Leon]

"Love is not pointless Leon. Look at Cami and I, we have the best times together. She makes me happy which makes me want to be the best man for her. Love is the best feeling in the world." [Broadway]

"The only reason you say that is because you and Camilla don't have to worry about each other being taken away. I am with Lara, I have no intention of hurting her. Violetta has Diego..." [Leon]

"Which you know the guy has a good chance in hurting her." [Andres]

"You are not helping. What good is it talking to you guys anyways?" [Leon]

Leon goes to meet up with Pablo like everyone is suppose to do. Meanwhile the girls have their own mini convo.

"Did you see that?" [Fran]

"What?" [Vilu]

"Leon was totally checking you out." [Cami]

"Seriously. We are not going through with this again." [Vilu]

"Why won't you believe what is in front of your eyes V?" [Cami]

"Because, if he likes me as much as you girls believe then why hasn't he said anything to me? Why did he begin dating Lara?" [Vilu]

"True. Maybe you need to take the first hit." [Fran]

"No way. Ruin my relationship with Diego and possibly aim for humiliation, I will pass. If Leon doesn't want to accept his feelings for me or if he has them at all, then let him. Once I forget about him, there is no turning back. It won't be me with the heartache this time." [Vilu]

Now everyone has joined Pablo and Marotti. This is the time were we are going to be shooting the beginning scenes. Each person has a specific set to be on. Marotti will start with Violetta, move to Fran and Cami, Ludmilla and Nati, then the boys.

What Violetta didn't know is that she will end up being filled with complete jealousy. After lunch Leon comes back with Lara. Diego had gone off set because he is not needed until a bit later. Right now; Violetta, Leon, Francesca, Maxi, Camilla, Broadway, Ludmilla, and Nati are needed by the lake. All the boys had to be in one canoe with the girls will be standing on the dock splashing at them. The guys carried water guns. The point of this shot was to have fun.

After shooting that scene everyone needed to dry off and regroup. Violetta had went for a  mini walk to a bench nearby to get some sun and to clear her mind. Seeing Leon and Lara together is too bearable, this music video and the studio are the only places where she felt safe and doesn't have to suffer. Leon makes that statement evidentially wrong.

Violetta has no clue that Leon was watching her closely. He figured something was wrong because he saw her sitting alone. No Fran, Cami, or Diego with her. Lara caught him glaring at her.

"Leon. Is everything ok?" [Lara]

"Yeah. I'm just worried about Violetta, she doesn't seem like herself lately." [Leon]

"Do you want to go talk to her?" [Lara]

"I want her to be ok." [Leon]

"Maybe she could use a friend. After all that is what you guys are." [Lara]

"Right. I'll be right back." [Leon]

Leon starts strutting to the bench where Violetta was at.

"Violetta." [Leon]

"Hello Leon." [Vilu]

"Pablo wants everyone regrouped in three minutes. Thought I'd let you know." [Leon]

"Thanks." [Vilu]

"Is everything alright? You seem not yourself today." [Leon]

Before he could get a response from her, his worse enemy appears.

"Violetta Pablo is wanting us to get back to set." [Diego]

"I know. Leon just told me." [Vilu]

"I am going back." [Leon]

The minute Leon is far enough to not ease drop on their conversation Diego asks Vilu the same question as did Leon. The difference is that Diego was able to hear a response.

"Why did he bring her along?" [Vilu]

"Leon? Maybe his girlfriend wanted to support his music career. Is that such a bad thing?" [Diego]

"No, but.. I thought we can't bring any outsiders to the set. That's all."[Vilu]

"Are you sure?" [Diego]

"Yes." [Vilu]

"Only asking. I know you, and I know how you felt about Leon. Maybe you seeing Lara is making you a bit jealous." [Diego]

"Diego that is ridiculous." [Vilu]

"I'm glad to hear it." [Diego]

"Let's go before we get in trouble." [Vilu]

The two let holding hands. Leon did not take that sight very well, but hid it pretty good so no one could notice. This time everyone had to be enjoying the party. Talk with people, and just have fun with everyone. Diego gets a close up and Marco gets a close up looking at Fran. Leon was most surprise to hear that Lara could be in the shoot.

The final shoot was the group choreography at the end. After the first take, it was a rap. The students stayed professional throughout the day, now they are rewarded to go home. As everyone gathered there things Leon sees Violetta.

"Vilu." [Leon]

"Leon. Wasn't today incredible. We are going to have an actual music video." [Vilu]

"I know it's really exciting. About earlier today..." [Leon]

"Listen Leon, everything is alright. I just had a point thinking about my mom. If only she could see me, here, making a music video." [Vilu]

"Are you sure that was all?" [Leon]

Violetta didn't want to ask why he brought Lara, she didn't have that right. It's not a completely strange because they are dating. Not to mention she didn't want Leon thinking she was jealous or anything. Why should she? She is dating Diego.

"Yes I am sure. Thanks for worrying but it's no longer necessary." [Vilu]

Diego told Vilu he would be waiting for her by the street sign. That's where they came up too.

"Diego is waiting for me. I'll see you around." [Vilu]

"See ya." [Leon]

With that Leon had to see her rush off to Diego where they embrace each other with a hug. He noticed the giant smile she has going across from cheek to cheek. How was he suppose to tell her about his feelings for her when it wouldn't even matter. So he thoughts. If only he knew what she felt for him.

Just needing to wait for that day. And will that day come sooner, or later?

Right From The Start {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now