BIRTHDAY MODERN connor X reader

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Well I just wanted to say happy birthday my lovely, bear, cinnamon roll, sinnamon roll, tall, sweet, lovable connor. He was born April 4, 1755. Today he is 262 years old. Happy birthday my love!

"Hey! (Y/n)!"

My boyfriend, connor, called out as he walked into our apartment. I smiled as I walked into the living room.

"Hey bear! Happy birthday!"

I tell him as I give his tall, sweaty, sweet form a hug. He hugs me and I peck his lips.

"Go into our room and get changed. I already am ready for your suprise. Just trust me."

I tell him and he smiles.

"What suprise? I told you I did not want anything done for my birthday."

He tells me and I smile.

"Have I ever been known to listen?"

I ask him and he chuckles.

"I guess not. But I'm putting all my trust in you."

He tells me and we share a quick kiss before he leaves to get changed. We are going to spend a week back at the homestead.

Connor comes out of our room in basketball shorts, a tee shirt and some black sandles.

"Okay now what?"

He asks and I smile.

"Now we go to the car bear. Then we begin our drive."

I tell him and we go to the car. All the bags are already in the back. We begin our drive all the way back towards northern new york.

"We should stop at a motel for the night. Your tired and I don't know where you're taking me."

Connor tells me and I nod in agreement. We pull into a best Western and I order us a room.

We walk into the room and connor's cheeks turn a dark red. There on the bed is a bunch of rose petteles and a letter.

"Did you plan this?"

Connor asked me and I gave out a nervous laugh.

"That depends on if you like it."

I wisper back to him and he smiled as he pulls me aginst his chest.

"I like it very much."

He tells me as he lightly kisses my neck. I lean aginst him letting him take over the whole thing. It's his birthday so he can set the pace for the whole night.

"Thank you (y/n) this is a wonderful gift."

He tells me as he goes over and picks up the note. He reads the paper and pulls out the other gift I left for him.

He gasps and looks back at me with wide eyes. He runs up to me and pulls me into a bear hug as he twirls me around the room. His lips connect with mine as he sets me down.

"Is it true! Is it really true!?"

Connor says as he places a big smile on his face.

"Yes connor, it's true!"

I tell him and he kisses me again.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a father! A father!"

He shouts as he kisses me once again.

"Hey if you wanna know something else, use your eagle vision on the test."

I tell him and his eyes glaze over.


He shouts as he dips me and I shriek as he kissed me. The only reason I know this is because I used my eagle vision on it. If the end was pink, it was a girl, but if it was dark blue, it's a boy.

"Yes a son connor! We're going to be parents!"

I shout and he picks me up and lays me on the bed.

"Well if your going to give birth soon you need your rest. And if I'm going to have to suffer through all your screaming and yelling at me dering it, I need sleep to."

He tells me and I laugh. He holds me close as we both fall asleep.

One year later

I feel sooooo fat! Connor and my little baby is 3 months overdue. It's connors birthday today and..... oh crap! My water just broke.

3 hours later


I shout as I feel another contraction hit me. It feels like all those period cramps I missed dering my pregnancy are taking there Revenge.

"It's okay. It's not like you broke my hand."

Connor says as he brushes a piece of hair out of my face.


I shout at him as another contraction hits me like a bus.

9 hours later

The cry of a new born baby fills the room. Connor and I both smile now that it's over. The nurse hands me the baby and connor smiles.

"What shall you name him?"

The nurse asks and I look to connor.

"Achilles Devan kenway."

Connor says and I smile.

"I love that name."

I tell him and he smiles.

"Happy birthday connor."

I tell the love of my life.

"Happy birthday Achilles."

Connor says and the nurse giggles.

"Oh they don't have the same birthday. Achilles was born at 12:01 AM."

The nurse says and all of us chuckle.

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