Arno X reader X star wars

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"Master arno, master (Y/N) obi wan kenobi calling. How is it on naboo?"

My friend, obi wan asked arno and I. We have been on naboo for over a year because of the trade federation.

"All is well. The trade federation has made no major moves so far."

Arno says and I smile.

"Good to hear. Anakin and I will be visiting soon. Anakin has a mission I want you two to secretly observe. Can you do that for me?"

Obi wan asks and I nod. He smiles at me.

"See you soon. May the force be with you."

He says to us.

"May the force be with you as well."

We say and cut the call.

"Well what do we do now?"

I ask arno and he shrugs.

"Wanna use the force to throw fruits at each other and have the other cut them with there light Saber?"

I offer and he laughs.

"Tempting but no. Your a grey jedi for starters. You would be a boss, and second of all what if yoda chooses to do another suprise visit."

He says and I smile at the memory. We here throwing pies at each other and arno threw one and hit yoda in the face. He never told me what yoda did to him.

"True. Do you even rember what it is I stand for?"

I ask and he grins.

"You are a grey jedi. You learned both the light and dark side ways. "

He said and I frown.

"Nope not even close. Let me tell you yet again.

There is no dark side nor a light side.
There is only the force.
I will do what I must to keep the balance the balance is what keeps me together.
There is no good without evil, but the evil must not be allowed to flourish.
There is passion, yet emotion.
Chaos, yet order.
I am the welder of the flame, protector of balance.
I am the holder of truth, lighting the way.
I am the keeper of the flame, solider of balance.
I am a grey jedi."

I say and he facepalms.

"That was deep. Now please stop making me feel useless and let's go practice before obi wan kicks our butts."

He says and I grin.

"I don't need to practice."

I say and he smirks.

"Then challenge me."

He says and I do as he wanted. We walk out of the room and into the training area. A bunch of padawan crowd around us.

"I master arno dorian challenge you, grey jedi master (Y/N) to a dual. We stop when the other yells mercy."

"I accept."

I say as he both pull our lightsabers out. I have a red and blue one from my dark side and light side training. I hear the padawans gasp and wisper to one another. Arno pulls out his lightsaber, it's a dark blue. It's darker than most lightsabers.

We start to circle one another and I fake a bad left foot. He catches it and attacks from that side. I use my red lightsaber to deflect his blow. My force send him flying to the ground.

He gets up and lunges at me. He tried to swing his lightsaber down on me and I block it. I use my blue lightsaber and hold it near his neck. He slowly backs away but knocks it out of my hand. We start swinging our lightsabers to the left and right. Finally when I've had enough I auctully choose to go hard on him. He tried to swing a left blow but I dodge and sweep his leg out from under him.


He yells and I smirk. I turn my red lightsaber off and use the force to bring me my other one. The padawans move away so I have a clear path to walk through.

But when I get to the end of the path I'm met face to face with the man I once loved.

There he is, standing there with his usual smile on his face. I stop and all the padawans look at me with confusion.


I yell as I run up to him. I run into his arms and he hugs me back. All the padawans wisper again but thankfully arno speaks up.

"All you padawans forget. There grey jedi! They have different rules then sith and jedi alike. One rule is there allowed to love, now back to your training."

He yells and Ezio places me on the ground.

"What are you doing here?"

I ask him and that gorgeous smile fades into a frown.

"There's a problem back home."

He says as he kisses my cheek.

"What is it ezio?"

I ask and he looks to the ground for a second. He looks back into my eyes.

"The sith, there attacking our planet. The trade federation, the huts, and even palpitine. There all together to destroy our planet. They say we have the good mines and soil there looking for, but we refuse to give it up. So there taking it by force. We need you back. Your our strongest jedi and it would help if you were to bring your padawan as well."

Ezio said and a tear rolls down my face. He wipes it away and i nod.

"Jacob! Come here! Arno tell obi wan trouble aroused on my home planet."

I say and they both do as told. Jacob, my padawan follows ezio and I to his ship. We take off on our way to my home planet of, utopia.

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