MODERN connor X reader X Supernatural People

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"Connor I don't think this is safe."

I tell my boyfriend connor as we walk twards a motel. It was like any other motel except for one thing. The black 1967 Chevy impala.

"I know. But we need a place to stay. This is the only place that has a room. Trust me, I'll protect you."

He says as he takes my hands him his. He kisses my forehead as we continue to walk into the motel.

Connor paid for our rooms and we walked twards them. We were about half way there when I put my hand on his chest.

"Pretend like we're making love. Don't ask questions, just do it."

I say and he pushes me up aginst the wall and starts kissing me. I open my eyes slightly to see the winchester boys walk past.

"Okay, there gone."

I say and connor pulls away. He takes my hand in his again as we walk twards our room.

When we get there connor unlocks the door and pushes me in. He turns on the light and we walk in slowly.

"Connor I'm scared. I don't wanna die."

I say as tears started to fall down my face. He sighed and walked over to me wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"We will be fine. Trust me, nothing will happen to you. Do you want me to bite you again?"

Connor offers and I nod. In case you haven't figured it out yet, we're vampires. When a male vampire bites his female it calms her. Connor first bit me when we did "it" for the first time.

Connor bared his fangs as he kissed my neck around where he would bite me. He then sank his teeth into the flesh of my neck. I moaned and gripped his sholders for support. Connor pulled away and kissed the spot he bit.

"I love you."

Connor said and I was about to respond when I heard the window brake. Connor and I looked up at the same time and saw the winchester boys standing there. We have a past with these idoits.


Dean said as he slowly stepped twards connor and i. Connor bared his fangs and pushed me behind him. I bared my fangs as well and dean chuckled at me. I know my fangs are small but I was only first bit 2 weeks ago.

"Wait... connor there should be two of-"

I was cut of my sam grabbing me from behind. He put a sward to my throat. They knew the only way to kill us was to behead us.

"I won't kill her unless you do as we wish."

Sam told connor. Connor looked at me and tears started streaming down my face. Connor fell to his knees and dean smirked.

"Looks like we found the grate alpha Connors weakness."

Dean said as he walked up to me. He stroked my cheek and brushed his thumb aginst Connors bite. Connor hissed loudly at him and fought with himself to stay down.


Dean said as sam relised me and I ran over to connor. I hugged him and he hugged me back. We stood and connor bared his teeth at them yet again.

"Now connor. If you don't want that to happen again we need you to kill someone."

Sam spoke and connor furrowed his eyebrows.


I ask and they smirk.


They say in sync. We would have fun trying to kill the demon king.

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