Ezio X reader MODERN AU

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My boyfriend, ezio invited me to go to a haunted house with him. I chose to except, so now we're here.

Present time

"Come on bella. We're already here so quite being a baby and walk inside."

Ezio tells me as I sit in the car.

"Ezio! I'm scared already!"

I yell at him and he sighs and facepalms.

"Please, come on. I will be by your side the whole time."

He says and I finally get out of his 2016 Lamborghini. He smiles, grabs my hand and we walk to the door.

Ezio pays for our tickets and we walk to the shortest line.

"I don't think I can do this ezio."

I say as I start biting my nails from nervousness.

"Calm down love. Rember I'll be with the the whole time."

He says as he pulls me closer to him. He gives me a short kiss on the lips.

When it's our turn to go in we walk through the door. We face a dark hallway with very little light. Ezio takes a step forward and I follow. We turn a corner only to have someone jump out at us. I scream and grip ezio's arm.

We walk a little more and we see a clown behind some bars. Ezio takes a step forward only to have the clown try to grab him. Ezio takes a step back and let's go of my hand. He runs past the clown without getting cought.

"Come on bella. Just run."

He says and I run to him. The clown grabs me for a split second, but I punch his hand away. When I get to ezio I'm engulfed in a hug.

"I can't do this ezio!"

I say as we begin to walk.

"Yes you can. Come on."

He says as he pecks me on the lips. We walk till we round a corner. When we round the corner a lady jumps out at us. She screams and laughs hysterically. I scream and Ezio jumps. I start to cry and Ezio holds me close wall we walk.

We round another corner only to have a man in a chainsaw come at us. He chases ezio and I out of the haunted house.

When we get outside I'm still crying from fear. Ezio hugs me wall we walk back to our car.

"You okay?"

He asks me and I shake my head no.

"Why don't you spend the night then."

He offers and I nod yes. He smiles and drives to his house. When we get there hee go straight to bed. Ezio holds me close wall I fall asleep.

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