REQUEST ezio X pregnant reader

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Victorian_Lass here is your lovely, sexy and hot ittalin male. And yes I was hungry when I wrote this.

"No ezio! Please don't go."

I beg my lover, ezio as he gets dressed to leave for yet another mission.

"I don't want to go either amore. But lenardo needs my help. I promise I'll return to you unharmed."

He speaks back to me. His voice is soft and full of promise.

"Ezio, what if something gose wrong. I-i can't loose you."

I speak and he smiles slightly.

"I promise on my life, you will never loose me. Now go back to sleep. I'll see you soon amore."

Ezio says as he leans down. He kisses my lips and walks out the door. His timing for leaving couldn't have been worse. Because I recently found out.... I'm pregnant.

-3 months later-

I sighed as I placed my book on the table. Ezio has been gone for 3 months. 3 long, lonly, boring months.

His child grows inside me as dose my need for ezio. He promised me he would return to me, so where is he. His missions never take this long.

I felt a few tears slip down my face. And soon I was full out sobbing. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I imeaditly knew who it was.

"Why are you crying amore. I'm not dead."

He wispers into my ear and I turn around and hug him. Ezio hugs me back just as tightly. But I fell the baby kick and I knew ezio did as well.

"What's wrong?"

Ezio asked me and I took a deep breath.

"Ezio I'm pregnant, with your child. It's been 3 months since I found out."

I tell him and his eyes go wide. His breath hitches in his throat and he tenses up.


He asks me and I smile.

"I'm pregnant ezio, with your child."

I tell him again and a smile begins to brake it's way onto his face.

"I'm going to be a dad! I'm going to be a father!"

He yells as he pulls me into a hug. I pull back just enough so I could kiss his lips.

We kiss each other with a fiery passion. When we pull away were both breathless.

"I've misses you ezio."

I tell him and he grins.

"I believe you did because you were crying. Or was that pregnant women stuff?"

He asks me with a smirk. I giggle and he pecks my lips. As soon as he pulls away he sweeps my legs out from under me. He picks me up bridal style before I hit the floor.


I yell as he carries me up the steps to our room.

"Hush! You need rest so that baby can grow. And don't you dare say other wise. I'm gonna be the best lover I can wall your pregnant so dering labor I won't have as bad of things yelled at me."

He says and he with laugh. Oh, with all the time he's been gone I have a list that's a mile long. I know exactly what I'm going to yell at him.

"Oh baby, you don't know what I've come up with."

I tell him and fear imeaditly crosses his face. I smirk as we finally arrive at our room. He lays me on the bed and gose to undress himself.

Ezio climbs back into bed with me. All he has on is a pair of loose trousers. All I have on is one of his shirts and loose trousers.

He wrapped his arms around my stomach. He slid them under my bulging stomach as he took the weight off my sore hips.

"Good night ezio. I love you."

I tell him and he smiles.

"Good night amore. I love you too."

Just after he said that the baby kicked 3 times. We both chuckled at his or her actions.

"I think they just said I love you back to us."

Ezio said and I smirked.

"Or they said stop it's gross."

I say and Ezio rolls his eyes. We soon let sleep take us.

Six months later we brought not one, but two kids into this world. Marcello auditore and christena auditore. Marcello was named after my father and christena was named after a childhood friend of ezios.

assassin's creed one-shots (FINISHED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن