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I'll do pretty much anything.

Assassin or templar X reader

Might include other authors from wattpad

That means or
I will do lemons

I'll do almost anything

Good luck and thanks for reading. Here is a list of one-shot ideas or stuff that might be turned into preferences that I came up with.

I'll do Fandom cross overs.

Some I can do:
Doctor who
DC universe
Legend of Zelda
Only human
Warewolf/vampire/ ect

If you want something that's bad for a one shot (such as self harm) I would rather you direct message me because some of that could cause pain to others.

And requests are always open unless I say otherwise. Peace out!

Also here is a face revel, I was asked to do it by many people.

Also here is a face revel, I was asked to do it by many people

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assassin's creed one-shots (FINISHED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora