Chapter 57 - Tip Of The Iceberg

Start from the beginning

"No no no no no!" she screeches, kicking the high chair which wakes up Seb and he joins in crying with his sister.

While I try to console Seb, my mum picks up the sandwich from the floor and throws it in the bin before leaving the kitchen.

And I'm a little embarrassed that this has happened in front of her.

She probably thinks that I'm a failure as a father. Oh shit. Like my father.

"What's going on?" Bea's worried voice captures my attention as she walks into the kitchen. "Here, lemme take Sebastian. What happened?"

"Ferris got upset, she told me no and threw her s-"

"Put her in T.O.," Bea interrupts me and I'm a little surprised by her quick reaction. "She told you no and we can't let her think that she can get away with that. You're her father and she needs to learn to respect you. Go on, Harry. I'm backing you up one-hundred percent."

With my wife's pep talk giving me the strength, I nod and turn to face my upset daughter. She looks up at me with teary eyes and I remind myself to be strong. I gently remove her bib and wipe down her hands, explaining that it's not nice to throw things or tell me or Mummy no.

I pick her up to carry on my hip and I walk over to the corner of the kitchen that already has a little plastic chair that's designated for Time Out. As young as she is, Ferris figures it out and starts kicking and screaming in protest.

"You are in Time Out now, Ferris," I gently sit her down in the chair and she acts like it's the worst thing in the world. "No, don't get up. You sit right here until your Time Out is over."

My daughter's cries let me know that she's very unhappy with me right now and a small part of me wants to just forget this whole disciplining thing, but I force myself to stand firm.

With a few tears.

Wiping the back of my hand to my eyes, I walk over to the table and I sit down to wait with her. Since she didn't hit me, I choose to only keep her in Time Out for a few minutes. I check my watch so I can time it and I'm shocked that it's gone 1:00PM.

Six more hours until her bedtime. I can't make it. No, be positive, Harold. She'll probably be sleepy after all this crying and she might go to bed early.

Laughter brings me out of my hopeful thoughts and I realize that my mum, Bea and Robin are chatting in the living room. I'd much rather be in there with a happy Ferris entertaining us all with her adorable jibber jabber, but that's not the case.

Not only are Ferris' cries breaking my heart, but I feel a headache coming on. Resting my elbows on the table, I close my eyes and bury my face in my hands.

I blow out a calming breath and look out the patio door and notice how nice the backyard looks. Robin didn't have to mow the lawn, but he did and now I can understand why my mum smiles when she talks about him.

I'll be nice from now on and give him the benefit of the doubt.

One quick vibration from my phone startles me out of my thoughts and I know it's a text. Leaning back, I take my phone from my pocket and I smile as I swipe open the text.

Love: How r u holding up?

Me: Ok. It's only been two minutes...

Love: Feels like forever?

Me: Yep.

Love: Aw babe. Did she hit you?

Me: No.

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