Chapter 37 - Like A Thousand Bucks

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A/N: On February 1st our precious little cupcake turned 23 (*sobs violently*) and my baby The Easy Way Out turned 1!

I want to say a humongous "thank you" to my readers, commenters and voters. You mean the world to me and I still can't believe y'all read my work. It honestly boggles my teeny tiny mind (and humbles me.)
I love you all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Okay, on a serious note: a touchy subject is mentioned in this chapter. I spent time wording it so I don't offend anyone.

That is all. Enjoy!

***Harry's POV

I honestly have the best wife in the entire world.

Not only did she take care of me when I was sick this past week, but she looked after our kids by herself. Ferris and Seb are under three and still in diapers and Bea was basically a single mother since Monday.

It is now Saturday.

Needless to say, I'm convinced that my Sweet Bea is Superwoman.

While my wife fed, changed and entertained the kids all week, I stayed locked away in our room. It honestly felt like solitary confinement with no bloody hope of a conjugal visit.

Even though Bea and I texted throughout the day and had FaceTime so I could see her and the kids, it wasn't the same.

It felt like we were worlds apart and I was just upstairs.

In between sleeping off my fever and coughing up a lung, I laid in bed watching movies on my iPad, drawing in my sketchbook and planning a surprise for my superheroine of a wife.

Realizing that she'd be exhausted after this week, I made plans for my in-law's to take the kids for the weekend.

After a restless week, Bea and I need a good night's sleep.

And there's no reason for Harold Junior to get excited because I still don't want to get too close to Bea. Even though I haven't had a fever since yesterday, I don't want to risk anything.

I'm not a risk taker.

I don't even like the board game.

As I finish dressing in my warm and comfortable sweatpants and jumper, I laugh with a snort at my dumb joke and I immediately groan in pain. My throat is raw from all the coughing I've done and a soothing cuppa sounds pretty damn good right now.

While today is the first day that I haven't felt like the Grim Reaper is holding my hand, I'm reminded that I need to take it easy when I have to steady my balance against the countertop in the loo.

A few seconds pass and the dizzying feeling subsides. I let out a slow breath, opening my eyes to the mirror that is fogged with steam from the hot shower that I've just taken a few minutes before. I grab the hand towel from the counter and wipe down the mirror, looking at my reflection in shock.

Good God, I'm going to scare Bea and my poor kids with these sunken eyes and somewhat hollow cheeks.

The same with my energy, my appetite was almost non-existent this week and I have undoubtedly lost a few pounds. It's been since Monday morning that I've had something other than soup and orange juice and if I see another bowl full of noodles again, I think I'll cry.

I've had chicken noodle soup up to my ears, bless my wonderful wife's heart.

I find myself smiling at the thought of Bea as I take her hair dryer and turn it on high. While I dry my hair, I run my left hand through my curls and I'm shocked at how long it's getting. I know Bea prefers it short, so I make a mental note to ask her to trim it later.

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