"You're here."

"I am."

"Come on there's food." I nodded, following her into the kitchen where my mom and aunt were.

"Your momma is here." My mom turned around and Travis immediately starting crying.

"Hi babers, come here." He reached for me and I pulled him into my arms. I kissed his cheeks and he calmed down.

"We're glad you're here." I nodded giving Trav more kisses.

"Where's your daddy?"

"In the lounge with the guys."

"Want to go see nana again?" I tried getting him to go to someone, but he wasn't having it. My mom made a plate and I sat down with him so I could eat.

"Harlow he is so cute." Sophia said.

"Thank you." I ate while he just curled more into me.

"Seems like someone is getting tired."

"Have to get daddy and leave soon huh."

"You just got here." My sister frowned at me.

"He's tired though and should be going to bed soon."

"Hang out for a little longer."

"Hey there you are." Jeremy said.

"Just getting something to eat, little man is getting tired."

"Want me to take him?"

"He doesn't want to leave my side." He nodded, coming over sitting next to me.

"Glad you came."

"I missed my boys." I smiled and he leaned in pecking my lips.

"Will you make him a bottle?"

"I got it." My mom said.

"Thanks mom."

Little man started crying, letting us know he was hungry. I had stopped breast feeding last month, it just wasn't working for the both of us. Mom finally handed me the bottle and I gave it to Trav.

"Let's go watch the game with everyone." Sophia nodded her head, while my mom dragged my sister away.

"You want to watch the game."

"Sure." He helped me up and went back into the living room. There was enough room for us to curl up.

"Harlow good to see you."

"Hi Poppa."

"Ellie where is your mom and dad?"

"Pop, you know they went on their vacation."

"And your brother?"

"Everyone's sick at their house, so they decided to stay home."

After a little bit we decided to head home. Jeremy met me at the house and carried Travis in. I followed him into his room and helped him change him into his pajamas. Jeremy gave him a kiss before handing him to me.

"Night buddy, sleep tight. Love you." I kissed his forehead laying him down. I walked back into the living room where Jeremy was relaxing.

"Come here." He opened his arms I went over curling up to him. I felt him sigh as he kissed my forehead.

"I don't think poppa is doing too good."

"Why do you think that?"

"He's not remembering things. He knows nana and poppa are out of town."

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