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"I'll text you every day!" He says as he pecks my lips numerous times, "I'll call and if you need me I'll get the first flight home, no matter where I am."

Confused? Let me fill in the blanks.

Jack has been invited to do a reunion tour, a magcon reunion tour. He was so excited about it, saying how he was going to see all his friends again. But he didn't want to leave me at first, he didn't want to leave me at a time like this, but I insisted.

He was so cute, he didn't want to risk loosing me but still wanted to go. He was in the middle, indicisive.

He wanted to go, but he didn't and seeing him jump around after getting the text from the group chat he told me that had been dead for the past two years. I wanted him to go, he needed to go.

"It's fine baby." I say kissing his lips passionately.

"Just text me when you land so I know your safe." I kiss him again.

"Ok guys enough with the pda." I hear Johnson say from behind us.

"Shut the fuck up." I mumble, kissing Jacks lips one last time.

I turned and hugged Johnson and Hayes, Sammy and Skate were tagging along, they got permission of course but they're all leaving us.

"I'm gunna miss you so much." I say getting sad.

"Don't miss me too much, I'll be back before you know it." He says kissing my forehead and smiling at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby girl." He kisses me, his lips lingering sadly as I stare into his chocolate brown orbs.

I hear our voices and realise someone had videod it, I turn around to see my sister standing there smugly staring at me smirking.

Her and Hayes sorted everything out, they're good as new and they act as if they never had that fight in the first place. I smile at them and turn around and look st Jack.

"See you soon, baby girl." He says as he kisses the back of my hand and trails off into the crowd of rushing people who were either late for their flight or were just sifting through the crowd.

I felt myself being pulled further away from Jack and being pulled out of the airport, I missed his hugs, his kisses, him.

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