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"Chantelle, your dad wants you." One of the maids said. I looked up at her and smiled weakly, knowing it was going to be about the wedding was hard enough, but it also brought my mom to mind. She's heartbroken.

"You wanted to speak to me?" I said walking into his office.

"Yes I need you to go Wedding dress shopping with Ronda this afternoon." I was supposed to meet up with Kelsey and Gabriella.

"I can't I'm busy." I say rolling my eyes.

"When you live in this house you will do what I say!" He exclaimed standing up, "you are going to go wedding dress shopping!"

"I don't have too, I'm 18!" I exclaim getting angry.

"You think just because I'm in your house you can boss me around! No you can't!" I almost shout.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Sight." He shouts.

"Gladly." I say, before slamming the door of his office closed.

I stomped to my room angrily, how dare he think I would willingly go with his fiancé to shop when my mother is in hospital. I grab my phone from off charge and my keys before stomping to the garage for my jeep, I had to get out of here.

I drove to Kelsey's house, she lived with her boyfriend. Sammy. We were supposed to all meet up at her house and I'm going a bit early but who cares am I right.

I turned up and parked my car, before slamming the car door closed and walking into the house. Kelsey and Sammy were sitting cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, I sneaked up on them and jumped on top of them.

I heard them groaning and smirked, "Chantelle!" Kelsey exclaimed.

"I know I'm early, couldn't stay there any longer." I say getting off of them and sitting cross legged on the floor.

"Why don't you just move out then?" Kelsey said.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Sammy said narrowing his eyes, "your scared."

"No I'm not!" I exclaim.

"Yeah you are! Your scared of taking your first step into adult hood!" Sammy exclaimed.

"No I'm not." I say through gritted teeth.

"Face it Chantelle, you don't know how to become a adult." Sammy argues, I sigh in defeat.

Maybe I am scared of growing up, maybe I'm scared to become a adult. I remember being scared of it when I was younger, I was still watching peppa pig at the age of 14 because I simply didn't want to have to let go of my childhood.

I refused to do home economics in school because I didn't want to know how to cook and tidy and shit. I didn't want to do anything, I think it was due to the amount of laziness.

I'm lazy yet I want to do so much stuff in my life, I want to change the world, I would rather be famous after I'd died as then you are remembered.

I go up and wiped he dust off of my ass, "where are you going?" Kelsey asked curiously.

"I'm taking my first step of becoming a adult." I say before walking out the room and out the house.

I didn't realise how immature I was until now, I'm 18 nearly 19 and live with my father who hates my guts. I could have easily moved out the second I turned 18 but I didn't because well I have no reason I just never wanted to move out till now.

Maybe this is the first step.

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