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I sat in the police car, next to Johnson who was trying to make me talk. I wouldn't.

I felt as if my throat was blocked, dry like the savannah desert.

He tried to hug me but I pushed him away, not only have i been abused for the last two weeks, I feel as though I've been sexually assaulted as well. He forced me into having sex with him, while he thought I was screaming with pleasure I was screaming in pain.

I didn't want this any of this, im most likely going to get fired as well. Great. My dad won't do that though, he enjoys having me out of the house.

I watched as the two cops got in the car, they looked at me sympathetically and turned around. Talking through facial expressions.

I watch as Jack is put in a police car, his hands in handcuffs, he started the fight. I watched as Nash was put in a different car, his hands cuffed as well.

He looked at me and smirked. He had the dignity to smirk at me.

The car started to move and I'm guessing they were just gonna drop me off home, but they didn't. We pulled up at the sheriffs station instead.

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to come inside." A officer said smiling sympathetically.

I nodded my head before looking at Johnson he was already looking at me. I turned back around and got out the car, Nash and Jack were took out the cars at the same time.

Jack looked at me and smiled weakly when Nash smirked. I rolled my eyes at Nash's actions and followed the officer inside.

She took me to a room with white walls and a big blacked out window. I sat down and fiddled with my fingers till the officer came back in.

"I need to ask you a few questions." She says smiling sadly.

"Did Nash Grier ever touch you sexually when you didn't want him too?" I nod my head.

"Did Nash Grier ever abuse you in any way?" I nod my head once again.

"Did Jack Gilinsky ever abuse you in any way?" She asks, i furrow my eyebrows.

"No." I say pointedly.

"Did Jack Gilinsky start the fight because Nash was touching you in a bad way?"

"Yes he did." I say quietly.

"I know this is a hard question, but did Nash ever you know, rape you?" She said quietly.

I don't answer the question debating on saying anything or not, "did he ever force you into having sex with him?"

"Did he ever have sex with you when you told him no?" She asked.

"Yes." I said quietly, regretting it immediately. She looked at me before getting up and leaving.

I waited for what felt like hours before the officer came back. She smiled at me before giving me a glass of water.

"Is Gilinsky ok?" I asked, he saved me from Nash, I'm forever going to be grateful for him.

"He's going to have to stay over night if someone doesn't bail him out, but yes he is. His wounds are being dealt with." I smile before a brilliant idea pops into my head.

"Can I pay for his bail?" I ask.

"Why would you want to do that?" She asked curiously.

"Because if he wasn't there, I think I may have offed myself by now." I say making her smile drop.

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