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It's been a week since the funeral, I've hardly left my room. Only too go to work and to a meeting, me and Ellie inherited all of moms earnings. And because she was a famous model, she was very rich.

I wasn't going to spend my half, Ellie had spent some of it on clothes and at the mall with her friends. I didn't want to waste it on random shit I wasn't going to use and plus it could benefit my future.

On the day of my moms funeral we went back to my dads and he basically kicked Ellie out, for keeping secrets and seemingly she was threatening Ronda. Someone as sweet as Ellie would never do that, I know sometimes she a major bitch but she's still one of the nicest human beings I've ever met.

I helped her pack her stuff and now she lives in the spare bedroom in my house, I've lived with her all my life and it was weird not having someone to rant to at 3am and hearing her pop music blasting from her room.

She's still going to school and shit but just not a lot recently, she has bad days which is inevitable. She's a lot like me on her bad days, sassy, mean, grumpy, she also likes to isolate herself.

I just hope the amount of bad days are going to reduce.

At this moment in time Gabby and Kelsey are at mine for a slumber party as they're calling it. Honestly with all the shit going down right now I can think of anything worse then spending time indoors.

I want to get out but right now we're sitting on my couch watching the fault in our stars because Gabby said we all need to cry sometimes. What she doesn't know is that I'm heartless and never cry at sad movies, I never cried at The Notebook or any shit like that.

"So what's going on with you and Jack?" Kelsey asked as Gabby turned down the TV.

"Nothing going on." I state.

"He was talking to Sam about you the other day, be careful about what you lie about." Kelsey said narrowing her eyes.

"Well he turned up at my house really early, we talked. We kissed. He crashed in my bed. Nothing else, is that all?" I ask raising a eyebrow at Kelsey and Gabby.

"He's hurt you know?" Gabby said.

"Why?" I ask confused.

"You left in the morning." Kelsey said.

"Wow." I said rolling my eyes, "did he tell you when this happened?" I ask annoyed. They shook their heads.

"The day my fucking mom died, I left because the hospital called me saying she wasn't going to be here a lot longer and they were bloody right because less then an hour after that call she fucking died, if anyone should be hurt it should be me because he hasn't even talked to me since that fucking day!" I exclaim angrily, "I think it would be best if you both left."

"What?" Kelsey said confused.

"Your both making it out like I'm the fucking bad guy and I think that's sick, I would fucking like it if you both left." I said, she gulped got her stuff and walked out Gabby trailing behind her.

I heard the door slam and like everyone they left.

Everyone leaves, because I push everyone away.

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