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I stuff the Oreos into my jacket as Jack stuffs the Dr Pepper into his coat, we continue to stuff things into our pockets before walking out the shop. How the person at the till didn't find us suspicious is what confused me.

I take a cigarette out of my packet as we get in my car, throwing everything in the back seats. I put it between my lips as Jack lit it making me smile at him.

I start the car as Jack plugs his phone into the aux cord and blasts 21 savage, we rap along and giggle about drunken people stumbling over gaps in the sidewalk.

We get back to my house and stumble into the living room giggling about a joke Jack made. Let's just say we were a bit tipsy, but we enjoyed being in each other's company.

I prefer being drunk or high because then at least I don't have to feel the emptiness inside of me every step that I take. We both fall back on the couch, throwing all the stuff we stole on the floor.

"Is Ell home?" Jack whispered.

"No, she's at a friends." We both look at each other.

"Hayes." We say at the same time, we laugh.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask eating a Oreo.

"I don't mind." He says, staring at me.

"I'll be right back." I say walking through to the kitchen to get the bottle of vodka that is there.

I walk back through to see Jack trying to open a packet of cheetos, and failing miserably. I put the bottle down in front of him and open the packet for him.

He took a swig of vodka before eating a cheeto, after his face scrunched up in disgust I realised how bad that combination would have been.

He rolls himself a blunt before lighting it and putting it between his lips, he takes a big hit before blowing out the smoke.

He passes me the blunt and we just get high together. I like being alone but I love being alone with him, I feel as though I can be myself.

Me and Kelsey made up the other day, I felt bad for holding a grudge about the smallest of thing. I'm not talking to Gabby, I don't want too.

She tried to ruin everything that could have happened between me and Jack, for her own selfish needs.

I looked over at Jack and smiled, how a boy with a razor sharp jawline and godlike features has put so much effort into being there for a girl like me with my long brown hair and grey eyes, I will never know.

I attached my lips to his and he immediately reacted, kissing back. His lips were just as I remember, and so were his kisses.

I straddled his waist and he smiled into the kiss, I unattached my lips from his and attached them too his neck, sucking softly making him groan. "Mine." I whisper.

And the rest is history.

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