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It's been two weeks since that day at Nash's. Nash has been extra clingy, coming to the club everyday im working and turning up at my house when I'm not at work.

He acts as if he's my boyfriend when we both know he's not, he tries but after that night I'd never think of him as anything like that.

He hurts me a lot, I don't think he realises he does but he does. Physically and verbally. He calls me names, worse then Jacks ever said.

Jack, Johnson, Kelsey and Gabby have been worried. I could tell when I looked in there eyes, I hardly spoke to the boys because Nash was always by my side and I hardly spoke to the girls because Nash was paranoid that I'd tell them something.

I hoped that someone would get help or maybe one of Nash's neighbours would have heard me screaming, for help. But no one ever did, they questioned me a lot but Nash would always but in and say shit.

It was getting annoying.

I wanted to tell someone, I wanted to say what's on my mind.

But I couldn't.

My dad and Ronda constantly pester me about shit and Ellie walks around with her Chanel purses looking all smug.

She hasn't been to visit mom once and because of Nash neither have I. I try but he doesn't believe that my moms in the hospital the little douche.

I wipe the surface of the counter clean before walking into the employee hangout. A place Nash is not aloud in.

I sit on the couch, happy that I didn't have his beady eyes on me. Burning holes in my skin.

Kelsey sat beside me, Johnson on the other side. I watched as Jack locked the door, feeling on edge I stood up. "Unlock the door, he won't like that." I say pointing at the doorknob.

"Who won't like it?" Kelsey asked placing her hand on my back, I flinch away.

"Nash, he won't like that, unlock it Jack!" I exclaim.

"Not until you tell us what's going on." He says putting the key in his back pocket.

"Nothing's going on." I say annoyed.

I didn't want to lie but I knew that if I told them they'd go straight to the police.

"Bullshit!" Johnson exclaimed.

"Your bullshitting us Chantelle!" Jack said annoyed.

"I'm not bullshitting no one!" I say.

"Explain the bruises, the tiredness, Nash always Fucking being here." Jack says getting up in my face.

"There's nothing to explain!" I say.

Jack took the key out of his pocket and threw it at me, "go run off back to that abusive Bastard then, go on." Jack says pushing me towards the door.

"You don't understand." I say before walking out the door.

"Princess, what do you say about getting out of here?" Nash says coming down the corridor.

"I've got work Nash." He pushes me against a wall.

"I don't give a fuck if you've got work or not Princess, what were you doing in there anyway giving Gilinsky a bj, being the little slut you are." He says. His breath reaked of alcohol.

"What the fuck man?" A voice roared. The club became quiet.

"Just talking to my girl, carry on Gilinsky."

"She's not your girl bro." He said.

"You are aren't you princess?" I shook my head no.

"Bitch." He mutters before stepping on my foot, hard.

"Get the fuck off her man!" Jack said ripping Nash of me.

"Why the fuck would you let him do that to you?" He said angrily before throwing a punch at Nash, hitting him in the jaw.

I cried. Hard. I watched as Jack threw punch after punch into Nash's face, a face I would have found attractive if he hadn't have done what he done.

Everything would have been fine if I had never met Nash, if I had took the front door not the back.

I walked backwards down the corridor away from the voices calling my name, and the sirens. Someone must have called them when Jack threw the punch.

I watched as people ran out the club, I slid against the back wall, crying into my knees.

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