forty five;

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"so you gotta wife, huh?" our coversation dragging on.

i nod, "yeah. she's the love of my life. i lost her once, and it was because of a dumbass mistake on my part."

"oh, yeah? how'd you win her back then?" this is why the conversation is dragging on.

"i just kept trying. i've always loved her, ever since we were young. she's always been by my side, and i've tried so hard to stay by her's. she's the type that is too perfect for anyone. being beside her, it just feels so.. so right. but then i realize, i'm legitimately the worst husband. she deserves so much better." i vent, finishing off my alcoholic drink, "well, thanks for the help tonight. but i think i have to go home."

"alright, hope you and your wife fix things."

"thanks. you too, aye?" i say, getting off the chair and standing. with all the alcohol in me, i knew i couldn't drive home. my phone began to buzz in my pocket, as i slid my hand in to grab my phone.

sammy's name and photo flashed across my screen. i sighed in relief and picked up the phone.

"hey sammyboy, can you come pick me up please?" i hold out the 'e' and wait for him to reply. but all i get is an angry huff and a the other line dead.

he's mad because i asked him to pick me up?

is that what's going on?

> >

about twenty minutes later, maximum, sammy's car was seen pulling up in front of my location.

"get in, gilinsky. now." he seriously demands as i nod.

"wassup sammyboy?" i speak, a serious and angered sammy looks at me.

"jack." he says through gritted teeth, "why'd you need a ride? couldn't get one from a girl?" he looks at me, hinting at something other than an actual ride home.

"i have a wife, a kid on the way and i'm not screwing that up again. never will i do that again. and if you don't believe me, well, i guess i can't change your mind. but anybody, any male specimen, would be lucky to have somebody like her. i'm not letting her go, never." i rant, speaking my mind.

he lets out a breath before replying, "okay.. fine. but you realize something, right? nate, johnson and i, yeah we're your best friends, but you were in the wrong once. all of us disagree with her decision of letting you back into her life. but it isn't our life. if you hurt her again, we'll fully back her up – not you, jack."

i nod, understanding everything he is saying, "i know that. i don't want to mess anything up with her again, sam, that's why i'm trying hard this time. i'm putting in more effort. i love her, i love her so much. i'm not gonna let her go."

"yeah, you better not. do you know how many guys would take the chance of snatching her up? lots, jack. and you have her. she chose you, not them. so don't mess this shit up." sammy continues to rub it in my face that i don't necessarily deserve her.

"you don't think i fucking know that?" i snap, angered at the constant nagging, "i know i messed up, okay?! why can't any of you understand that neither of you are perfect either. you guys use a girl, whether it be for one night, or one week, and where is she after a few nights of pleasure? huh? not with you guys. you guys don't give a fuck 'bout girls, so why ya'll bein' all up my ass about my relationship with my fucking wife?"

sammy was for sure dumbfounded with my sudden outburst, but he also seemed defeated. no doubt.

"okay, fine, i'll give you that. i don't treat females right, but that doesn't mean that you are suddenly the god. you did some messed up shit to her. even i know that it's messed the fuck up to do that to your wife. you promised her, you vowed to her to be there. day in, day out. you weren't there, jack. well i mean, yeah, you were. but so was that other female. you basically betrayed her. you did that to her, and all of us know- including you- that she wouldn't do that to you." sammy unloads to me.

my anger rose towards the topic, causing me to glare at sam.

"what? you mad now? you can't face the truth, huh?" he pushes, causing me to- once again- snap.

"you want me to snap, don't you?! that's all you fucking want. what do you want, sam? me to admit or say something you can use against me and tell isabelle some bullshit? you want her to think you're some prince charming or some shit? because we all know that she's one not to believe shit. so you know what, do what you want and try your hardest to get in her pants. because i know that, that's what you've always wanted." i finalize, stepping out of his car, trying to find somewhere to go.

at this point, i'm hoping isabelle doesn't believe whatever bullshit lie that sammy is going to tell. johnson might even back him up, who knows.

really, right now i don't even know if i can trust or stand them anymore.

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