thirty three ;

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just before i get into this chapter, i just want to say that you all should go check out an absolute amazing writer. i'm obsessed with her stories, and she's such a great supporter! she helped me out so much with an idea for this story (go check out my update 2 chapters ago). the idea she gave me was absolutely fascinating, and i feel as if she should have recognition for that. sooo go check out, follow & love karlandonatella !! now... onto the next chapter!




it's been approximately 3 weeks since isabelle and i have tried for the third time for a child... no positive results. isabelle is hiding the way she feels, i can tell. i hate seeing her upset, faking a happy and positive personality, when she's outright devastated.

jack and i leave for our world tour tomorrow and i'm not necessarily happy to leave isabelle. my mind keeps telling me to stay home with her, but my heart desires tour and making people happy.

"jack?" i hear isabelle call me, coming inside the front door. while laying down on the couch, i stand to my feet, walking to see what she has brought home.

"hey baby, where'd you go?" i ask, examining any change that could've happened while she was out somewhere.

she sighs, "on a run. then i ran into johnson, so i stopped to talk to him for a little bit. we ended up walking around, catching up on life and whatnot. he's really excited about tour, by the way."

i smile, "oh yeah?" i love how close she is with my best friends, even though she always has been, "how was your run?"

"fine, i suppose." she shrugs, "can i have a kiss, jack?"

"you don't have to ask." i chuckle, "c'mere."

she shuffles over to me, wrapped her arms loosely around my neck and kisses my lips. my arms were wrapped around her small frame, treasuring this moment seeing that i won't be here for quite a few months.

"i'm gonna miss you." she mumbles.

"i'm going to miss you too, baby, but hey... we should be pros at this now. we've done it so many times." i rub her back, "just, please don't cry."

"i know, i know." she waves off the topic, "i'm going to go make a smoothie. want any?"

"no thanks, i had a big lunch while you were out." i respond, "you go have your smoothie."

she forces a smile, walking away to the kitchen. her phone is set down on the table in across from the front door. it lights up, a text from johnson.

from: johnson
- jack's phone is acting up. can you tell him i need him to come over? thanks izzy

i pick up my phone, scrolling through my contacts until my finger hovers over his contact name.

the rings become more and more torturous, me itching for him to answer. all i want to know is why i have to go over. at this rate, all i want to do is spend time with my wife before i leave.

"hey... jack." johnson's voice echoes through the phone, "can you, uh, come over?"

"yeah, yeah. is it urgent?" i seemingly ask.

he sighs, "yeah. pretty urgent."

"alright, i'll be right over." i hang up the phone, semi jogging over to the kitchen. i wrap my arms loosely around isabelle's waist, surprising her.

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