thirty one;

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third person;

jack was determined. it wasn't like other times where he wanted isabelle, but just sat back because he thought she was thinking otherwise.

he knew what he wanted, and he knew he would get it.

"flight to omaha, nebraska landing in a few moments. it's currently sixty five degrees, partly cloudy. thank you for flying with our airlines, enjoy your time." the pilot spoke throughout the airplane.

jack shifted in his seat, preparing to hurry off the airplane and go to alexanda's house to win isabelle back from what happened back in los angeles.

indeed, he wondered what to do — tell isabelle why he was speaking to the girl or make up a believable and quite close to truth lie to hide the fact he was going to propose.

he went with the second idea, but knew he was going to propose today.

> >

jack left the washroom, fixing his tie as he walked down the long airport hallway.

alexandra was waiting patiently for jack in her car outside the gate 8 doors. she saw him walking, and quickly got out to open the trunk.

"hey." she greets him, "isabelle's back at the house, sobbing about how much she loved you and, quote on quote, what she could've done to make you love her for at least a years time."

jack's heart pinched, feeling terrible about the words being spoken.

"i love her, hence the reason i'm proposing... today." he tells her.

alex's eyes widen, "okay. so, good thing she's only there right now. i'll just drop you off, letting you go in yourself."

"okay, thank you."

in no time, jack's fearless plan, turned into reality and the "fearless" factor, was no longer. he was nervous, but also growing more and more anxious.

he double checked the ring in his pocket, clearing his throat and stepped out of alex's car. she got out, unpacking his luggage, passing it to him and returning to the driver's seat.

she threw up her thumbs, giving him double thumbs. to trick her sister, she opened the garage, before closing it a fair amount after. alex then drove off, leaving jack in the garage, preparing to open the door.

when he walked in, leaving his luggage in the garage, he took a deep breath.

"alexan–" isabelle abruptly stops, "what are you doing here?"

"can we talk?" jack looks at her.

she breaths in, knowing that talking is the right thing to do. she nods slowly.

"come." he says, grabbing hold of isabelle's shakey hand. he motions for her to sit down and she does as he persists.

"okay, what do you want to talk about?" she gives him a neutral faced expression.

"isabelle. god, isabelle mendez, you drive me crazy. you have no idea how much i love you. you have no idea how happy you make me. ever since i met you, you somehow intrigued me, and you always will. your beautiful face, your hypnotic eyes, your full lips, your open heart, your caring, loving and perfect personality. i know we have hardly been dating, but even though we haven't, we've known each other long enough for me to know that you're the person i want to wake up to every morning. i want to wake up to feel you in my arms, i want to be able to come home from the studio, or from a tour, and know that you're the one i'm going home to. i want to know that you're mine, and always will be. i want to have a family with you. i want to be able to walk down a red carpet, or walk to our car, or wherever and be able to show you off and be proud to call you mine. i want to be able to meet someone new and introduce you as my wife. i want to be able to tell our children, our grandchildren, or new friends, random people we meet, our story.

we've known each other for years, and that's what makes me so obsessed with you. the fact that i've waited for you, that i love you, that i have always loved you... i know you're sick of me rambling, and i know you just want me to stop talking. but whenever i possibly can, you're on my mind. you're on my mind day in, day out. you're on my mind when i'm writing music, talking to someone, sleeping, in a meeting... you're always on my mind. and for that reason, i want you to know that no... i wasn't cheating on you — i would never. but in fact, something that i would do, and is the reality is this."

jack digs in his pocket, gripping the ring's box. isabelle's eyes remained watery, while her mind is racing, heart is pounding, and her cheeks are heating.

"isabelle mendez, the love of my live, the woman i want to be mine forever... will you do me the honours of staying mine forever, being the soul mother to our children, being my rock, while i stay yours, and marry me?"

jack patiently waits for isabelle to gather herself, as she nods, a smile growing wide on the two's faces. he slides the ring onto her finger, as she takes no time to acknowledge it, but instead engulfs her fiancé with a kiss, wrapping her arms securely around his neck.

he stands from the kneeling position to pick her up, spinning her around.

"i love you so much." she mumbles through her tears.

"and i love you."

mine - j.gWhere stories live. Discover now