Chapter 16: Creep

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      We've been at this party for only about an hour now and I already want the fuck out. Cooper was right about it being rowdy I'll admit. The hardcore rock music emitting from the living room is starting to cause the crowds to form one giant mosh pit. This only has the room smelling unbearably of sweat and beer so the girls and I wind up pushing through until we're out back. The yard is rather large and seems to be littered with different activities for drunken guests to stay entertained.

Outside isn't any quieter but the air feels sensational now that I can finally breathe. "Well I'm still not seeing Cooper anywhere so maybe we'll get lucky and. . .never mind." Riley sets her sights on something behind me and lo and behold there's Cooper, he and a couple of his friends are emerging through the sliding glass door and entering the vicinity.

"Well at least he knows I wasn't bluffing. I won't have to hear about that on Monday." I shrug. Turning around once more I manage to lock eyes with his, only for a moment before I swivel back around. "I need a drink." I announce just before Riley presents a red solo cup with some very pungent contents. "Tequila. Drink up buttercup." She winks. Usually I'd ask for a chaser but I'm two beers in and I'm feeling desperate so I tip the cup to my lips and down it.

"I think I'm witnessing a drug deal. Think I can get in on that?" Chloe dances on the balls of her feet, looking as if she's ready to bolt. I don't think I've ever met anyone who's as much of a lightweight as she is. Sometimes it's almost like we're babysitting.

"Oh! There's Cooper—oops he just saw me pointing at him." Chloe gasps, hastily lowering her hand to her side.
"We know Chloe." Riley sighs, laughing as she removes the cup from our friend's hand, "we just talked about this a couple minutes ago sweetie."
"Oh yeah huh." Chloe snorts.
"Let's go inside." I clear my throat, suddenly aware he's looking over here. I can always feel it. My body starts to burn up from the inside out and I think I might be starting to like it.

"Why?" Riley boos before quickly turning her attention to something behind me. "Ohh, are you afraid he's gonna make a move on you, hm? You starting to think we'll win the bet?" Jabbing my shoulder, she chuckles.

"Cooper? Pfft no. Trust me. The day he catches any sort of feelings for me is the day hell freezes over." I admit, watching as Riley's grin widens extensively and before I can ask why she casually gestures behind me. "Then why is he looking at you like that?" Her words cause the hairs on the back of my neck to stand.

"What do you mean?" I ask but I don't dare turn around.
Riley continues to peek around me and with the lick of her lips she admits. "Like he wants to jump your bones. It's kinda hot."
"Well stop." I chuckle, playfully grabbing at her arm and yanking her towards me "come on let's go get another drink. I'm too sober for this."

After another thirty minutes I'm two more beers in and the thought of Cooper watching me dissipates. Thankfully Chloe has sobered up a bit more now as I begin my journey into a deeper drunken state of mind. The kind of state where the mediocre music starts sounding good enough to dance to. I'm swaying between my friends enjoying the euphoric sensation washing over me when some random guy makes his hands comfortable on my hips. I'm inebriated enough to allow it up until Riley notices him getting more handsy than necessary and yanks his arm away, resulting in him stumbling back and scurrying away.

     "Damn Riley. How am I ever gonna get my guts rearranged when you're raining on my parade like that?" I groan, throwing my hands back clumsily only to come in contact with something hard. I don't attempt to turn around because it's clear by the faraway expressions on Chloe and Riley's face that I don't I want to know who it is.

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