REQUEST Altaïr X reader X arno

Start from the beginning

Arno told us and we nodded.

"yes the Syrian brotherhood is a strong one and we will gladly train you."

Altair said and Arno smiled.

"that is good. do you have a room in witch i may sleep?"

he asked us and we lead him to the room between altars and mine. we also handed him one of our master assassin robes as his were really heavy and thick.

The next day we woke Arno up and began his training.  but dering his training a male approched me with a letter. he handed it to me, bowed, then took off. 

dear (y/n)

hello, it is Lancelot and Gabriel . we need you to come back as we have found out something you will want to hear. we dont want to keep you long so it will only be a week at the most. we also need to talk some things over as well. rumors have reached us that you are to be engaged! if this is true we ask that you bring the man in witch you are betrothed to.

love, Lancelot and Gabriel.

i read the letter and turned back to Altair and Arno.

"im sorry guys but my family back home needs me. There all the way back home in mother Russia. i must go, they said they needed to speak with me on some matters."

I told them and Altair nodded. 

"please, allow us to accompany you."

Arno offerd and Altair nodded in agreement. My eyes went wide with fear and i felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

"no need, i can go alone."

i said and i took my leave. i knew they would tail me all the way back home. 

I packed up my saddle bag and took the fastest horse the brotherhood has. i saddled him up and took off away from Masyaf. i rode all day and made camp at on oasis. the next morning i took off again and continued this all the way until i got to Russia.

As soon as i entered the Russian palace gates my brothers were by my side. my family had a high place in Russian society. 

"sister how was your trip back to our cold climate?"

Lancelot, one of my brothers, asked as i climbed off the horse. as soon as my feet hit the snow i shivered. In Syria we wore thin boots because of the sand, here they ware bear fur and camel leather boots because of the snow.

"it was long, cold, and boring."

i tell them as we walk into the palace. we all soon sat down and began our talk.

"so what we wanted to tell you was that father was a te-"

Gabriel, my other brother said but was cut off by a knock at the door. Lancelot sighed as he stood up to get the door.


i heard arno scream as Lancelot opened the door. i turned to look only to find Altair forcing Arno to give him a piggy back ride.

" i dont care! its went and when it gets warm, it turns into water."

Altair grumbled as he climbed off Arno.

"well come on it i guess."

Lancelot said as he shut the door behind them.

"What are you two doing here?"

i asked them and they smiled. Arno removed his hood but Altair kept his hood up.

"Like heck we were going to let you come up here all alone."

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