31 She's out

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OOC: So i have decided although this is the last chapter I'm going to do like a short Epilogue as well to like lead you into the next story. Just incase i want to write more about Alexis which of course I could so imagine doing. Her adventure is not even close to over especially with her boys. 

But as the last official chapter let me know what you all think about it!!

Alexis's head was rough, she could feel something banging on her temple but yet she couldn't tell what it was. Her body felt numb, she pulled her hands into fists to make sure she could still move and she wiggled her toes. They were all still working but yet her body still felt numb. Her eyes opened to a pure white ceiling. She blinked a few times before turning her head to the side. The room was clean and bright, it all seemed too clean, too bright. It hurt her eyes.

Alexis turned her head back to look at the ceiling. Where was she? She couldn't remember what happened. She tried to push herself up in a sitting position and her hands moved to her side lifting her T-shirt. It was covered in a white bandage; she poked and prodded at it for a moment, trying to remember what happened. She winced. She hurt herself; she was obviously damaged under the bandage. She couldn't.....She could remember what happened.

The boys – her boys were fighting, she had tried to get through to them and yet nothing had seemed to grab their attention away from their argument. When she had moved closer, they had lashed out at each other and she had got caught into it. She must have hurt herself worse than she thought when she fell. She could remember Caleb and Nicolas fighting and bickering.

They were discussing something although she couldn't remember what. She pulled herself up straighter so that her back was straight against the back frame of the bed. Her mouth was dry and her stomach gurgled with hunger. She felt like she hadn't eaten or drunk anything in a week. She pushed her feet out of the bed and pressed them on to the carpet.

It felt good against her skin, she stretched out her feet and she could feel the beginnings of cramp, she had been lying down for a while. She pressed herself on to her feet – testing to see if her feet could take her weight. She was a little bit wobbly but it didn't take her long to feel the strength returning to her legs.

She stumbled away from the bed making sure to try and keep her balance, she moved into the bathroom and cleaned herself up, her face felt dry and her throat was bare. She moved out of the bathroom and towards the little kitchen area where she could see some water in a jug. "Well look who's up and about" the deep voice came from behind her; she tried to turn and winced. Her side wouldn't allow her to move that fast. Caleb who was once sitting on her bed was now beside her in a flash. His hands placed around her and ushered her to the small couch in the room, he tried to take most of the weight from her.

"Please don't hurt yourself. You've been knocked out enough" Caleb's face looked pained and he sat down beside her. Alexis smiled towards him "I'm so glad to see you're okay" She moved to hug him and his body chuckled, she could feel it vibrate through her although she still hugged him tight. She felt like she hadn't seen him in so long – he was still here and she hadn't thought he would be.

She didn't even know where she was. "I am perfectly fine Alexis. It is you that has had everybody worried to death. You have been knocked out for a week. Your wounds were so bad they had to give you countless numbers of drugs while they attended to you. They wouldn't let me in until they were finished they were too scared that I would be too attracted to your blood" Caleb's head lowered and he looked like he felt guilty that he wasn't able to help in any way.

Alexis put her hands on his and rubbed them slightly. She didn't want him to worry. If he could have been there then she knew he would have. He had done so much for her and although he had a temper she was sure he could get by it. "I understand Cal. It's fine. Don't worry about it" She tried to reassure him with a small smile. She squeezed his hands another time, her full body felt on edge for some reason.

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