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OOC: OHHHH! Sandy can be quiet the mean little person but then again I do want Alexis to have the natural enemy type vibe i don't want just any one and everyone to fall in love with her sometimes when reading a story that can be the worst thing to read right?

What do you guys think? Are you more Caleb fans now or Nicolas fans? Cal and Nico? or should they run away together and leave Alexis in the dust? :P Nah i'm just kidding although i could be an interesting fanfiction


Alexis pace quickened, her footsteps echoed in her ears and her heart rate was beginning to pick up. He was following her yet again. She had been ignoring each of his attempts at talking to her again, just like Sandy had warned her but even ignoring him wasn't working.

He still searched her out and followed her around. She hadn't seen much of the other werewolves at least since then. But he was still being a pain. Between Nicolas's stalking and Caleb's mood swings she wasn't sure which was worse, they were both giving her a complex. The two were as bad as each other. She didn't know how to handle either of them. Her frustration with him was growing and she knew that Sandy would make good on her threat. She wasn't going to take the threat lightly but Nicolas was testing her now.

Alexis's lips moved into a straight line as she turned around to face him. "Will you stop following me!" Nicolas seemed surprised by her outburst but at the same time the smile he held was obvious that he was pleased with her acknowledgment of him. Alexis grunted under her breath, lunch time always left the corridors empty.

They were beginning to empty fast, Alexis's eyes scanned around. "Just come with me" Nicolas reached for her hand and began to tug her down the corridors towards the outside of the school. Alexis had visions of him pulling her towards other wolves and she pulled her hand out of his. "Where?" She questioned stopping her footsteps and causing Nicolas to turn around. "Just outside of school grounds. I promise it will just be us. No other werewolves." Nicolas answered as if he had heard her thoughts and she eyed him suspiciously.

He always seemed to know what made her nervous and what she was thinking, it was as if he was in her thoughts. "I don't think that is a good idea" Alexis answered her voice wavering slightly as she thought about Sandy's threat; it was only a few days ago that it had happened and the words still echoed in her head.

Nicolas seemed to find her amusing in this, he shook his head. "I think it's a great idea. Please just give me lunch today" Nicolas pleaded with her, his deep brown eyes watching her and trying to make her agree to what he was saying. He wasn't using any of his alpha power, although he doubted that it would work on a Lupei. Alexis pursed her lips and scanned around making sure Sandy wasn't anywhere to be seen. She didn't want to be stuck here with him, and she didn't want to be stuck here with any werewolves but at the same time – if she could get them off her back in any way shape or form then she had to try it. "Just lunch today?" she queered and Nicolas smiled triumphantly as he nodded his head. He hadn't thought she would even give him that.

Alexis nodded her head and Nicolas held out his hand towards her. Alexis looked at him for a moment. Should she really risk being seen holding his hand? There was a silent pull in her that wanted to reach out and take his hand. There was always a pull in her that wanted to be close to him and she had ignored it this much. She had to keep ignoring it. She looked away from him, Nicolas didn't push anymore he merely turned around and digging his hands into his pockets he offered her to walk beside him with the tilt of his head.

Alexis fell into step beside him and they both walked out of the school, Nicolas led them behind the school and towards the back gates. Alexis looked at him curiously although he didn't offer anything more than a smile. Alexis stopped at the gates as Nicolas maneuvered one of the gates out of the way so that there was a small space for them to fit through. He waved his hand; Alexis hesitated for a moment before bending and going through the small amount of space.

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