23 Coincidence? I think not.

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OOC: So this scene took a lot of debating with myself and I couldn't help but add it in. After all I love the drama so much especially when my home girl Cassie is involved. 

Who's your favourite character so far? Have you picked a side yet? I'm always torn between the two. I love Caleb's personality so much but then Nicolas is her mate and to go again him is like denying that other part of her : which she already does :P 


Friday came by quiet quickly after the commotion with Caleb, Daniel and Nicolas. With those three in her life she was lucky if anything would happen slowly again. Daniel's nightly visits were almost definitely going to be becoming more frequent and with Caleb switching between playing friends and ignoring her meant she was beginning to get whiplash and with his new mean personality she couldn't decide which was worse.

Then she had Nicolas at school, despite his words he followed her around like a lost puppy dog – even though she had told him about Sandy. He didn't seem to care very much or well that wasn't entirely too, he cared too much as far as Alexis was concerned.

Vladimir had agreed to let her go with the girls on the condition that his driver drops her off. So he had dropped her off at the door and instantly Cassie had jumped on her as soon as she had got out of the car and she started being dragged about the mall.

"We have to start at stitches!" Cassie squealed pulling Alexis towards a store. "We always do what you want first, let's do Urban" Ash seemed determined to get what she wanted. Alexis felt at ends although she listened to what both girls were saying.

Katie added in words every now and again as if trying to stay out of the fight but both Cassie and Ash were determined to pull her in on it. Before long they had settled on a shop which was neither Urban nor Stitches. Alexis hadn't been able to see the name, as she was dragged into it. "You need to try on this" Cassie pulled a dress out in front of Alexis to measure it against her as if judging what size she was, she switched sizes and then pushed Alexis towards the changing rooms. "Try it on and let us see what it looks like"

With a sigh Alexis found herself in a changing room, ever since she had turned up she was being pulled around and Cassie had squealed when Alexis had brought out the credit card saying she did have money to spend. Alexis pushed out of her jeans and her jumper; she pulled off her tank top folding them into a neat pile at the corner of the dressing room and then she fixed the dress into position before looking in the mirror.

The dress was baby blue in colour, it stopped just before her knees and had a darker blue belt going across the middle, and the circular neck line had an added layer of frills attached to it and the straps that held the dress to her shoulders were thin.

Alexis looked like a proper girl; she blushed slightly at the thought. She had never much been one for wearing dresses; it wasn't that she didn't want to wear them. She just couldn't find the occasion to wear them. She couldn't exactly just wear them around the vampire house. It seemed silly like she was a child playing dress up but now she actually had an occasion to use them. "Are you ready?" She heard Cassie's voice which jolted her out of her thoughts; she smiled and opened the curtains to see Cassie smiling at her.

"Ready" Cassie beamed at her, and Ashley was beside her assessing the way she looked, beside her Katie was dressed in a long pink dress with her hair tied back in a bun. "You look great although the neckline doesn't look quite right. Let me get something else for you..." Ashley turned and disappeared for a moment. "That looks lovely on you, Katie" Alexis decided to turn her attention away from her own dresses and towards the other girl dressed up, Cassie did the same thing.

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