22 Grin and bear it

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Her room was pitch black, the house was unseeingly quiet for a house full of vampires. Apart from the drumming in her ear, Alexis felt confused on that thought and found herself pushing up from her bed to follow the noise.

Vladimir was beside her, his face was deadly serious causing Alexis to sit up and rub her eyes. "Vlady? What's up?" she questioned with a yawn causing her hand to cover her mouth at the end of the sentence. Vladimir never woke her in the middle of the night especially since she had been at school. In fact it had been years since she had been woken up at all.

Normally her half day – half night timetable had kept that from needing that to happen but now that she was in a semi human timetable she guessed that had changed. "I need you to get up and get ready. You have a visitor" Vladimir's voice was tight and un-pleased by the situation. Alexis tried to think who would come and see her that Vladimir didn't like.

The wolves pasted her mind for a moment but she knew that they wouldn't be having this conversation if a wolf was in the house. Vladimir would have merely told the wolf to get lost, evicted Alexis from school and then they would move house which would have been how Alexis found out about the situation. She would be the last to know. It had to be a vampire.

A certain Elder perhaps. No other vampire was allowed to see her after all. She slid out of bed with a nod, causing her to yawn again, when she slipped on her sheets, Vladimir helped steady her. "Thanks" she mumbled moving towards her wardrobe to pull some clothes out. She didn't think she had to look her best.

Half asleep she pulled her trousers over her shorts and a jumper on top of her PJ's t-shirt. She couldn't find the effort to get completely changed and when she turned back around Vladimir was watching her with curiosity. "I'm too tired to get ready for our guest. Does this suit?" She questioned since he didn't move towards the door straight away. Vladimir seemed to come out of his daze and he nodded his head before moving towards the door.

Alexis followed suit in her socks. She couldn't find the urge to grab shoes from the opposite side of her room so instead she walked out half sleeping. She stumbled down the hallway, following Vladimir's elegant movements; she was ushered into the main lounge. "Ah Alexandra, such a pleasant surprise. Sorry if we woke you, I know your timetable has changed recently from what it was when I used to visit" Daniel's voice was strong and it caused Alexis to peak behind Vladimir to see Daniel. She had not seen him in a few years, their chats had been frequent when she was a child and as she got older they became less and less.

Caleb was there in the room as well, sitting on the chair behind Daniel. Apart from that no one else was in the room. She couldn't look at Caleb though, he had upset her enough over the past little while and she had enough to deal with without acknowledging another situation, especially when she was so tried. Vladimir looked tense beside her as she rubbed her eyes once again trying to get the sleep out of them.

A yawn over took her again. "Sorry" She spoke with her hand over her mouth causing Daniel's mouth to pull up in a smirk. "You seem to be quiet tired. Have you been busy lately?" Daniel inquired with a satisfied smile; Alexis eyed both Caleb and Vladimir at this point. She hadn't been told what she was and wasn't allowed to say right now. But she guessed she should just tell him the truth.

If Vladimir hadn't wanted her to say anything then he would have told her in her room. He would have found a way. "With school, homework and training it has me worn out most days, especially during the week. I am a bit more awake at the weekend" Alexis admitted as again she covered her mouth for another yawn, the more she thought about it the more she felt like yawning.

Both Caleb and Vladimir were quiet beside them. Daniel's head tilted to the side. "You have been training?" Daniel inquired his eyes never leaving Alexis face; he always watched her reaction and his face always held its amused grin on it. He was completely dressed in a black suit, a white shirt underneath with a red tie.

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