29 The truth will set you free

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OOC: It's time for the big dramatically reveal about Alexis's life a little vampire side of what Nico was telling her. A little time for her to make a choice and more of a push to understand who she really is. 

are you all ready for it?


A chap on her door echoed through her mind and she lifted her head to it.

Was this Caleb coming to say sorry? She shouldn't expect so much of him but she couldn't help but hope. He had hit her, she couldn't believe it but the red mark that spread across her face spoke more than words could ever say. She could still feel the pain vibrating through her cheek. But the culprit didn't come in.

Whoever it was stood waiting at the door for her answer. Her head ached, something scratched at the surface and she shook her head trying to ignore it. "Come in" Her voice was dull and chocked up, she had been crying, anybody could hear that in her voice. She wiped her eyes clear and sat up on the edge of her bed as a tall and striking Vladimir came in. He looked sullen, his eyes were sad and his head lowered. She could barely make out his eyes as she watched him.

"Are you alright?" He questioned lifting his head a touch to be able to see her better. Her eyebrows scrunched up in wonder, what did he have to be sad about? Did he blame himself for letting Caleb in to the house and injuring her? He shouldn't have.

Alexis had learned enough about Caleb to know he had a short temper and sure she hadn't expected him to turn up at her school but she hadn't ever been so close to Nicolas before. That had been the first time. He had pulled her into a kiss thinking that it would prove to her that he was her mate and yet it had only made things worse.

It had only gotten her more in trouble. Alexis head nodded and she tried to half smile at him. "What can I say? Louie was right, Caleb does have a temper" Alexis shrugged trying to make it seem less important than it actually was believing that was why Vladimir was here. She half wondered if he had already seen Caleb and spoke to him, perhaps even hurt him. She held her tongue not wanting to ask, she didn't want to care about Caleb; she didn't want to know where he was. If he wanted to see her then he should be the one to come and see her.

Vladimir moved over towards her as a sigh graced his lips, the bed began to press down and now he sat beside her They both sat for a moment in silence, neither one saying anything before Vladimir looked up at her. "I believe I need to tell you something. Now before I do – please do let me finish the full story and then you can ask as many question as you like or do anything you like" Alexis found herself sitting up in curiosity.

What was so important that he had waited this long to tell her? So many questions and thoughts already began to stream through her mind about what he was going to say before he actually said it. Was he going to tell her some lost story about why Caleb's temper was the way it was? Was he going to defend him? Alexis had been trying to defend him in her own head and it wasn't working. She hoped that Vladimir would give her a reason to defend him.

Alexis nodded her head in agreement not having the strength to open her mouth and speak just in case all the questions came flooding out. Vladimir watched her for a moment as if trying to assess how she was going to react to what he was going to tell her.

There was no way he could guess, he had tried so many times to tell her and every single time he had he had lost the courage but he couldn't do that now. She had already been hurt too much. She had already begun to lose too much.

The only way to get her wolf back was to tell her the truth and that was what she needed. She needed her wolf whether she liked to believe so or not. With a small deep unneeded breath in he was ready to begin his story. "Everything that you have been told since you got here has been a lie" That was his first sentence and while she digested it, he kept silent before continuing on. "When Daniel brought you here all those long years ago it wasn't because your family had tried to kill everyone and was after you. In fact it was the complete opposite. Your family, your breed of werewolves were special. They're Royals that is why all the werewolves in the local area are attracted towards you. They can feel your leadership even above their own alphas" The room seemed to be getting smaller. Everything Vladimir was saying was making her world spin.

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