13 It's a buffet!

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OOC: AH the dreaded lunch room scene in school do these ever turn out well? 

Well Alexis's just might! We will just have to see how the system thing goes! Lunch system? now that does sound like a scary thought i mean if i wanted food i would just take food if there was some sort of way to eat it then i think it would break me!

What about you guys? I'm from Scotland myself but with reading a lot and watching too much american tv series and movies this was what i wanted to include for this story. If you hadn't realised as much yet. Although it's a public school she's at there is already some richness involved into it. 

Would you guys have preferred a private school? do you think that would have worked better? 



That was what she had to deal with next. She had to eat like a normal human being in a room full of other humans. Except she couldn't step through the door to the lunch hall. Part of her told her she looked stupid just standing outside the lunch hall waiting on something or someone. She wasn't sure what, well actually she was. She wasn't waiting on anything; she was looking to see who was in the lunch hall.

But from this angle she wasn't getting a very good view on it. She could hardly see where anybody was, she could see a few tables of people she didn't know and where everyone got their lunch.

That was it. She let out a deep sigh and tried to move herself to see more. She didn't get to see anything more, Cassie's lion haired mane appeared at the window, and her face was glowing at the other side as she waved at Alexis before opening the door to question her. "You realize you have to come in to get the lunch, right?" Cassie questioned her hand rubbing her elbow as if in a nervous habit.

A smile formed on Alexis's face as she chuckled nervously. She knew exactly that, but she didn't want to go into the hall, not alone anyway. She couldn't face the three werewolves she knew were going to be in there. She had met them. She had avoided them as much as she could. But she couldn't very well stay out here all of lunch time – she was hungry after all.

So she did the only thing she knew would cover for it. She changed the subject.

"You said there was some kind of lunch system?" Alexis tried to cover what she was actually dealing with by using a real problem that was there. Not that she had even begun to think about that problem. What did a lunch system even mean? Could you not get your lunch unless you knew how to work it? The thought actually scared her as well, not as much as the other problem of course but never the less. A laugh echoed in Cassie's throat as she pulled Alexis through the door and began marching her towards the area with all the food.

It was drastically different than she imagined, not like any cafeteria she had seen in any movie. The tables were smaller and they all had people crowded at them, the food was spread out along and looked like they had taken care in making it. It looked more like a restaurant than a cafeteria for kids. "I'm sorry. I must have scared you to death with that lunch system nonsense. Don't worry it's just a card system we have here..." She pulled a card out her pocket and waved it in Alexis's face as if to show her exactly what she meant.

The quizzical look on Alexis's face told Cassie that she had no idea what she was talking about. "...You can use my card today and then tomorrow we can go and get you your own one. Basically you put your money on the card at machine points around the school and they swipe your card as if it's a credit card. I always have mine stocked up. You can buy me lunch later..." She waved off any thought of Alexis rejecting her offer to buy her lunch and the lion haired girl couldn't help but make her smile with her over dramatic attitude. She stopped at the food station picking up two trays and sliding them in front of both herself and Alexis.

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