27 Heightened complication

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OOC: I think you can tell whats coming next after the last chapter :P

But don't be detoured there are some twists and turns that you wouldn't expect I couldn't believe it myself as i was writing them. The luck of some people just never runs out :P :D 

Let me know what you guys think. We don't have many chapters left!! I can't believe it's almost over and I can't believe you have all read this far!! I love it. and I can't wait to do more stories and different fanfictions and the rest I have planned. I love writing so much!


She stood outside the school, the cold wind running through her hair. The building towered over her and covered some of the sunshine that was covering the school yard. Her hand gripped her bag tight against her and she strained past all the students flooding away from the school to try and find her ride, Vladimir. He wasn't here yet and he was never normally too late.

Sure a few times he had waited till the school had cleared before he had turned up but lately he just stopped the car near the school and Alexis would jump in.

A sigh left her lips as her eyes drew away from the parking lot and its mobbed covered students. What she faced when she turned around though wasn't much better.

Nicolas Maori.

He looked like he was on a mission and Alexis could not have him standing around while she was waiting on Vladimir. She had got this far without Vladimir knowing about the wolves she wasn't about to be caught out. She tried to turn slightly ignoring him, hoping he would take the hint. But apparently he did not, Nico stopped beside her, not saying anything as if waiting for her to say something first. "Nico...." She groaned turning towards him, at any other time she could have ignored him – she could have walked away but with Vladimir on his way she couldn't risk it.

The wind picked up her hair and she turned herself away from the sun so she could see better; the building still held all its beauty from no matter what angle she was in. It was great, it was red sandstone in all its glory and Alexis couldn't help but admire it. "I'm not leaving you here by yourself, Lex" Nicolas's arms folded across his chest and he gazed out into the parking lot as if expecting someone else to come for her.

"Stop calling me that. My name is A-lex-is" she snapped back needing a reason to get rid of him. "What do you prefer? I can go with Lexi if that's better, or Alex. I am sure we will find one that suits you better with time – one that is just mine...." Nico was teasing her, baiting her into talking to him just like he did every time they talked. He wanted a reaction. Any reaction out of her.

He was trying to make a point and she wasn't going to listen to it. She wasn't going to deal with this. She couldn't deal with this; not now. "Nico just leave" Although he was shaking his head before she'd even finished talking. He wasn't going to leave that easily and she should have known that. He was here for a purpose; one that Alexis didn't want to indulge in – she turned away from him trying to ignore the wolf. Something had to get him to leave. "You don't even understand who I am too you!" Nico threw his hands up in desperation, before pulling them through his hair. He tried not to strain his voice, considering they were in front of the school.

The grounds were just now clearing of kids and yet Nico refused to leave Alexis by herself and not only that, but he refused to let this matter go. He believed he was her mate. Her wolf mate. "Nico, I hardly know you" Alexis tried to speak straight and tried also not to look at him. She found it easier to concentrate and stay in control over a conversation when she didn't look at him.

Which was becoming increasingly difficult as he walked in circles trying to get her attention to focus on him. "I have only just met you" Alexis again spoke her head shaking and her arms folding across her chest as she prayed for Vladimir to hurry up and pick her up. She hated a Thursday when she had to stick around the school and wait for Vlady to pick her up.

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