18 Welcoming Committee

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OOC: Oh boy things are looking like a roller coaster for my poor girl here! How can she ever think that werewolves were scary? Oh well lets see now Alex is a brute who tried to scare her and then Sandy is the bitch from hell.....Yup werewolves are great :D 

But Alexis knows vampires are just as bad so let's see how this goes


Alexis didn't want to get into any confrontation especially NOT with werewolves.

When Sandy had growled towards her and began to head her way she had felt herself tense up and she could have sworn the fear was rolling away from her. From that point on she wanted to make sure that she didn't run into any werewolves for a while.

Which was what she had done for the past two weeks, apart from seeing Sandy and Marie in her Foreign Language class. She had avoided going for lunch and instead started to bring food with her, insisting that Vladimir go shopping because she didn't really like the food in school.

Which although he had rolled his eyes at and commented that sometimes people didn't get to choose what they eat and they just had to put up with – he still went and bought in a ton of shopping. She found the perfect spot outside and after a few days of not turning up in the lunch hall Cassie had questioned her about where she was going and then eventually came out with her to lunch.

Although she had still gotten food from the cafeteria and every so often she would bring two desserts out so that Alexis could have a special treat.

Cassie was beginning to be a great friend and someone that Alexis enjoyed being around. It was obvious that her and Chris were in fact a couple although none of the rest of the group seemed to be in a relationship with each other. Ashley was in a relationship with one of the boys that played American football though. Which Alexis had listened to the stories about him and smiled along with Katie and Ashley.

For two weeks she had successfully avoided the wolves. Alexis had almost enjoyed the peace she had, she believed that she was actually getting used to school and enjoying her time with her new human friends. It made her feel normal, at peace, human almost. If she didn't have the itching at the back of her head and have to go back to a home full of vampires she would have felt human.

Today though felt different; something was following her, someone was following her.

Alexis grabbed her bag a little bit tighter towards her shoulder and she moved along the empty hallway. She had gathered enough knowledge to know that she could get to most places once the coast was clear and every one was already in classes or nearly in their class. That didn't seem to have worked today. Were they following her? She felt eyes on her and she couldn't stop herself from searching around her with her green eyes. She felt anxious. She powered on through the hallway, trying to remember which class she was supposed to be in.

The stress was rumbling through her and she couldn't think what class she was supposed to be in. She looked behind her, her curiosity getting the better of her. There was someone following her, although she couldn't see him. She could feel the fear creeping out of her. Alexis turned back around from walking backwards and stopped before banging into the person in front of her.

A Werewolf. Not just any werewolf. It was the one she had seen in the canteen with Sandy. "Hey" his chest rumbled and Alexis had to swallow the lump in her throat as she stared up at the wolf in front of her. She could feel the scratching at the back of her head again and she inwardly cursed – almost instantly it vanished. Her mouth went dry and she lost the words to speak.

"My names Nicolas, I'm the resident alpha's son here and I know you have had some trouble with some of the female wolves here but I want to make sure you know they're harmless and were just surprised to see another wolf here; that is not within the pack" Nicolas's smile seemed genuine although Alexis couldn't completely take it in. She was sure that she was speechless in front of the tall male in front of her, her mouth opened and then closed a few times before she tried to look somewhere else. Nicolas captured her chin in her hand and Alexis pulled her head away from his grasp, why was he touching her?

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