11 Lion's mane

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OOC: SO did you guys like what i did in the last chapter? or was it too much? Were starting to get right in to the story now and it won't be long till Alexis has to face her worst fears and some hard truths!!! 



Cassie was friendly and Alexis couldn't help but feel guilty about her earlier thought. The girl had lovely red hair like a lion's mane. Cassie had let her hair out of the bun into the second period of English 12 and now Alexis couldn't help but watch it from time to time. It looked like fire stretching from her head and curling around her cheeks.

The brown eyed girl had seemed to come more alive as they went on through the class and the discussions were phenomena especially as they walked to their next class. "So where have you come from anyway? I can't tell from your accent. You don't sound like you know anything about school. You must have been in a school that was nowhere near America since I'm pretty sure all the schools are the same here" Cassie was bright, alive and radiant as they walked between classes.

Alexis wore her bag like a back pack yet Cassie had one over her left arm and it hung their like a handbag rather than a school bag.

The green eyed girl couldn't help but smile back; she was enjoying meeting someone new, someone human for once. They didn't seem all that bad. "I have never been to school before. I was ...home schooled" Of course they had stories made up about what Alexis's life was like before she attended school, Vladimir had said she would need to plan everything threw and stick to the same story. He had mentioned how nosy humans were especially with people they didn't know.

So together Alexis and Vladimir had come up with a story that was almost towards the truth. She had traveled a lot and she had been home schooled because of it. "Wow. I can't say I have ever known anyone that has been home schooled before. Which means you missed out on Home Room and end of term parties?" Cassie was curious just like the elder vampire had said and that couldn't help but make her chuckle and shake her head in answer to the human girl's question.

"I can't say that I have. What is home room?" Alexis pronounced it out like it was a foreign word, not knowing at all what it could even mean.

Home was somewhere you lived and room was a place inside that. Considering Alexis didn't live here she had given up guessing what this class was and let it be a surprise. That was why she wanted to come to high school after all – she wanted it to be different, she wanted it to be a surprise. The red haired girl laughed out loud which was ended on a snort which Alexis smiled at – the strangeness of humans was something that Alexis enjoyed. "Home room is a class to check we are all here. It's like a registration and a guidance class all rolled up in one. It's not as strict as other classes although you do have to attend it. You can eat and drink and chat in the class which you can't normally do unless the teacher lets you. The teacher is only there to help with any problems. We can find Marie in that class – she has your Language thing, she loves to learn all those different accents and words so you'll get on with her just fine." Cassie was talking constantly and it didn't seem like she was going to take a breath.

The girl acted as if she wanted to know everything and anything that came to her mind in that moment. Alexis had never quiet met anyone like her, it was most refreshing. She couldn't help but wonder if all the girls in this school acted like this, if all human girls acted like this.

There was only one way she was going to find out and that was through talking to the other girls in this school. She hadn't even been half way through the day yet.

It was time to meet more people. Cassie stopped next to a classroom and waved her hand dramatically towards it. "Here we are. Home room. I'm sure you'll be added to the register but just in case we better let Mrs. Lowlor know you are here and then we can get Marie" Cassie smiled at Alexis with a bright smile before turning into the room and heading over to the desk, Alexis fell behind her nervously. She started to fidget with the edge of her jumper.

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