19 Tension Training

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OOC: So among all of Alexis's current problems i feel like i'm missing something out what do you guys think? She's in a crossroads about two boys! Caleb and Nico but that isn't the main reason for this story it's about finding out who Alexis is with the added side drama of the boys and school and all that. 

Which is why i miss Louie and Vladimir so much when i write so i always need to push them in. What do you guys all think about them? and who do you prefer more? 

Vote comment and let me know and if you have any questions feel free to ask 


This was not happening.

Alexis had spent hours on the computer in the study researching words and what they could mean but when it came to werewolves and their mate there was only one meaning for that. Alexis was determined that she wasn't a werewolf's mate, not even to one as nice as Nico was. She shook her head to both the thought of his nickname in her head and that he was nice. His name was Nicolas and he was a werewolf. She wasn't safe around him.

Even if she felt safe around him. Her head was confused, she was distracted and not the way she wished to be distracted. Alexis groaned and put her head down on the table. "Ready to train?" Caleb's voice seemed deeper than usual, almost as if he had put something disgusting in his mouth. Alexis looked at him, he didn't smile, and in fact his face looked like he was scowling. Alexis nodded her head and picked her body up from the computer seat; not before shutting everything down of course.

Something wasn't quite right with Caleb this evening – as much as she hated to admit it. She knew when something was up with him – he had been living with her for around three nearly four weeks now. Alexis had grown accustomed to his moods; but this seemed different. Alexis stripped off her jumper before she even entered the room and dumped it down by the door. She didn't carry anything else; she had left it all in the study where she had come straight from school.

Vladimir had spoken to her on the passing but as she had seemed distracted he had left her too her work – Louie hadn't appeared yet. He was still sleeping away although she had expected him to wake before Caleb. That didn't seem to be the case. "What are we doing Caleb?" She inquired titling her head and stopping just before the mats to wonder what he had planned for the day.

He didn't turn to face her; instead he busied himself to push the mats together, as if they weren't quiet perfect. "As far as training you in here is concerned we can't do much else, I am sure Louie well help with some surprise attacks to get that side covered. It's just your fitness I would say needs...improvements" Caleb had turned to look at her as he said the last word, the way his eyes scanning over her made her feel uncomfortable. He wasn't looking at her the way he usually did, he was looking at her as the vampire, as the predator, as if she was his prey.

Alexis didn't like it.

She felt like squirming under her gaze, her lips pouted slightly as his words sunk in – she had always thought of herself as quiet fit. She had never been one for too much exercise but with Louie running about the house and the size of her house, she often wondered how she could do more exercising than that. With her last year of school; she wasn't required to take physical education either. So maybe Caleb was right in a sense. "Like how?" she pursed her lips in wonder and his lips quirked into a smirk on one side.

It looked evil. He swaggered closer towards her. "Laps, Jumps, Balance Beam, pushups, sit ups etc." his shoulders shrugged as if he didn't need to explain anything more, a shiver ran down her spine with his words, they were harsh, uncaring and not the usual words Caleb would use. Normally he explained everything to her, he let her know everything he planned to do – he let her come to grips with what they were going to learn before then teaching her.

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