25 Hot session

212 16 2

OOC: Well if one boy gets a romantic almost kiss scene then the other one has to get a little something as well...a kiss maybe...or something else?

oh that's a hard decision on my part....let's take it step by step and see what happens yes? 


"Left" the yell echoed through her ears as if it were bursting her ear drum, but she obeyed it and swung her left hand forward into the bag in front of her. She felt the rumble hit her hand and then echo all the way up her shoulder. She would never get the hang of punching. She flinched and pulled her hand back against her chest covering it with her other hand. "Ouch" she couldn't help the involuntary screech that left her lips.

Alexis had said it many times in the past hour and no matter how many times she would punch the bag, it still hurt. She was in the gym but she had spent most of the hour in this position punching the bag.

A mat under her feet held her steady and gave her comfort, although not much. "Stop putting your thumb under your fingers. That's why it hurts" his strong voice over powered her like it did every time he spoke and he came towards her this time grabbing her hand away from her chest and showing her how to do it.

His hands were cold to touch but she didn't flinch away from them. She felt the surge of electricity run through her like every time he touched her. She froze and allowed him to uncurl her hand, pushing her thumb out and then curling her fingers back in. "This is how you have to keep your hand unless you want to break your fingers when you punch" Caleb softly pushed out, his voice holding a gentler tone, nicer than before.

One she had grown used to hearing when he was more relaxed. His normal blue eyes stared up at her telling her, he did care for her, he did want to help her before it was gone in seconds. He pushed her hand away and moved from her faster than her eyes could follow. "We'll do some mat work and then you can get back to your homework." He spoke from the middle of the room and she whirled around to see him fixing the mats. The room was big and completely covered in a wooden floor but on top of the floor was 26 mats, faded blue in colour.

Scattered around the edges of the room were benches and seats where both her jumper and bag sat and his extra clothes and bottle of blood was. She hated the fact that she knew that; that she knew what was in his bottle and it didn't scare her.

It didn't creep her out. It should have.

She nodded her head and moved herself over towards him. He began to stretch out his limbs, normally he had done that before she had even reached the gym, so she was quiet surprised when he bent forward and touched his toes and began jogging on the spot. He walked through everything as if he had his own routine, as if he didn't need to think about what he was doing.

Alexis stood to the side and watched him not knowing whether she should join in – she was sure she would look stupid trying to be herself, she didn't know if her body would actually bend. She was stiff, she had only just started exercising with Caleb, it was the first she had been doing in a long while, she hadn't exactly been good in keeping her fitness up as much as she had originally thought, she was good with books and studying just like Vladimir and Louie were.

She stared on in amazement as he stretched out every one of his limbs "Are you going to join in?" She shook her head trying to gain her attention back on the situation at hand, she must have dazed in thought. Her vision came back to her and Caleb stood not that far from her, watching her curiously. She quickly recovered stepping forward on to the mat and trying to act like she hadn't just drifted off into her own head.

"What are we doing first?" she charged straight into work knowing they had already gone over the basics, everything from falling to punching right. He must have wanted to mix some of it together; he often tried to put her into to fighting position to see how she would react in them. "We're going to see how much you've learned over the weeks" Caleb said basically moving in front of her, a little bit closer and getting into a fighting position. "Attack and defend, use everything I have taught you and don't hold back. You can't hurt me" Caleb joked although he smiled, it was half-heartedly.

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