16 There's always a silver lining

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OOC: now when I originally thought up this story and did chapter notes i completely left this out but now i realise it's a key moment for Caleb and Alexis to show they were closer than you realised because in the next few chapters she's going to be all about the wolves so i thought we needed another little team vampire chapter before we headed into the wolf stuff. 

So let me know what you all think of it


"Alexis" her name was mumbled under someone's breath, it was low, deep but she was sure she recognised it. Her sleepy brain couldn't grip who it was though. "Mmhhh?" she grumbled out trying to come to grips with reality. What time was it? Was it time for school?

Her alarm hadn't woken her up. She was sure she would have heard its loud beeping. She was actually surprised that she didn't wake up the full household with its noise. But then again it seemed lately the household family just ignored what they wanted to hear. Alexis was beginning to believe that Vladimir and Louie's erratic behavior was due to Caleb's timely arrival.

Not that she knew how to bring up the situation or even how to stop it.

"Get up" the voice was still hushed but this time it was closer. Alexis felt like rolling over and doing a very rude gesture towards the owner of that voice but held herself back knowing most vampires wouldn't even flinch at the gesture she was thinking of.

And Alexis knew this was a vampire. In fact the closer the vampire was, the more she was beginning to understand exactly which vampire it was. She groaned at the thought of it. "I can get a pale of water over you in five seconds flat if that would help you up" the voice continued on with a slight amused sound towards it. Alexis wanted to do that gesture just a little bit more now.

She grunted and rolled over, pulling her hair away from her eyes to stare directly into Caleb's blue ones. "What do you want?" she didn't care that she sounded rude towards him, he was in her room, for the second time tonight and not only that she was pretty sure it was in the middle of the night. She had to be up for school in the morning and she didn't think that any good could come from Caleb waking her up in the middle of the night. The vampire in front of her chuckled.

He threw a large clothed objected at her head and as she entangled it from her head she realized it was her dressing gown. "Put it on and follow me" the words were even more ominous that she expected them to be. She didn't think twice about it, her arms folded over her chest and she lifted her head defiantly towards him. "And if I don't?"

He didn't even flinch, his stride never faulted and he didn't turn back as he moved towards her door. "Then you miss out on it" was the last thing she heard as he walked out her bedroom door. Dang! He had hit her where it hurt – her curiosity. Now she was going to have to go out and see what it was.

What a jackass!

Alexis pushed herself out of her bed, pulled on her dressing gown with more effort than she needed; she grabbed her slippers and brushed down her hair before striding out of her door. She turned her head left and then right...there was no sign of him. "Caleb" she inquired hesitantly.

"Polo..." came his distant reply to the right. A smile crossed her lips at the stupid game he was playing before she turned and followed his reply. When she came to the end of the corridor there was two ways to go. Up or down.

This time she knew the game. "Marco?" she called out and let her ears open hoping to hear his voice closer this time. "..Polo..." It seemed the same distance away. She shook her head and turned to go up the stairs. When she got to the next level she paused for a moment, taking a look down the corridor. It was cold up here. She knew one of Vladimir's offices were up – although she knew it wasn't one he often used. There were piles of bedrooms which mostly stored nothing. What possible need could Caleb have for taking her up here?

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