14 Mine, Mihi

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OOC: OHHH guys! So this was a debatable chapter i put in that was based on the same scene as the last one but just from the werewolves perspective. I loved writing it for the witty banter because it is just so fun with these characters

I love them all....well maybe not Sandy i'm not her biggest fan but if she ever does has fans i'll make sure to make t-shirts for them and everything! 


Sandy felt the growl in the back of her throat, although she tried to suppress it, when she saw Alexis stride across the middle of the lunch hall with Cassie and sat directly across from them. The boy she was leaning on, Nicolas's body tensed fully up and she was sure that he had noticed her as well. She stared daggers into Alexis.

"Who is that?" she heard the words from beside her. Nicolas couldn't take his eyes from the girl, Alexis was staring right back at them. She was scared, they could all smell it.

They could sense it by the way she acted around them, that was one of the reasons Sandy had made sure to poke fun at her so many times. "I ran into her this morning – she's new here and a wolf, although she was surprised to see another wolf in the building. It was almost like she had expected us not to be here. Its common knowledge this is where our pack attends so I don't understand why she would be surprised" Alexander leaned on the table; he picked up his drink, having already scoffed his food. He didn't look over to where she was he didn't need to see her twice. He knew exactly who they were talking about after their interaction this morning.

Alexander was strong on his temper; he had anger problems and often had to be calmed down by his best friend, the Alpha's son. Nicolas. Nicolas was interested because of one reason and one reason only. His wolf was scratching at him with one word and one word only.


It was shouting at him as if it was going to rip him apart to get towards the other girl, his heart rate was picking up as her beautiful green eyes stared back at him. His thoughts were racing and there was one thing he was certain about, she was his mate. He visible moved to make sure he was further away from Sandy.

Sandy was shocked when he moved out of her grip to lean on the table to inquire more about this girl, his heart melted when she turned back to talk to the humans at the table, her smile nervous and awkward and her cheeks burning. He had never seen something so beautiful.

"What's her name?" He asked almost without thinking, to anyone and nobody in particular. Marie was the one to talk first knowing that Sandy wasn't going to talk up, especially about Alexis after what had happened earlier. "Alexis. She's in our foreign language class and..." Marie glanced towards Sandy who was staring daggers at her, as if to warn her not to mention anything else. She knew Sandy didn't want to let them know what she was. "Yes?" Nicolas's attention pulled away from Alexis for the first time since she had come into the room.

His eyes piercing at Marie in questioning. There was one thing Marie was sure of and that was Nicolas was going to be alpha, not Sandy and she liked Nicolas, she wasn't going to start lying to him. She gathered up her courage, even letting her wolf rise to the surface a little as if to protect her.

Her eyes concentrating on Nicolas fully and not Sandy.

Although her voice stayed lowered. "...She's an alpha. There's no doubt about that and a strong one at that, if I didn't know any better I would say she was a Lupei. She told me and Sandy to stop and we froze, we couldn't move from the spot we were in. Our full body was against us for those few moments until she looked back at us. That's when we could move again" Marie knew what she was saying was crazy; the Lupei werewolves had been killed off completely when they were all pups.

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