9 Je te dis merde!

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OOC: This is a book I have been working on for a while and i do try and post at least every few days but if i miss my deadline i normally try to get a couple of chapters up so any notes on this would be fantastic!

Tell me what you like guys or what you don't like!! I'm going to actually try doing some fanfictions as well so if you have any ideas for that as well let me know! 

Anyway i hope you enjoy my chapter; this one is all dream sequencey :P

The room was pitch black, there was something different about it though. She couldn't see around her, she couldn't see any walls. The room seemed to be never ending. Where was she? How was she here? She was trapped. Her arms were strapped to the chair, her eyes were pushed tight shut. Her hair draped across her face, it stuck to her like glue.

The sweat was running down her; her breathing began to pick up, faster and faster. She was too scared to open her eyes to assess her surroundings. She could hear her heart beating loudly in her ears and her chest hurt. She tried to move her hands and the ropes rubbed against her wrists causing them to go red. Her teeth ground together as she resisted the urge to call out although she couldn't remember the reason for not calling out.

This wasn't right, she felt like something wasn't right. Her legs tried to kick out and didn't get very far; they were pulled against the leg of the chair.

The air was cool, yet she was sweating? How did that work? She couldn't understand it. She cursed under her breath trying to fight against the pain and trying to get her arms out of the ropes or her legs. She focused her breathing, deep breaths in and out, in and out. She had to get her breathing back to normal before she went into a full blown panic attack.

A low growl came from behind her and her breath hitched. She turned her head slightly not wanting to look behind her but wanting to hear how close it was. The growl seemed to be all around her, she couldn't work out how close it was or how far away it was.

The growl began to get louder and she could feel the shaking start in her legs and move up through her body. She could feel a hot breath against her neck. She turned her head to the front and her eyes shot open. She refused to look at it; she refused to acknowledge what was behind her. She shook her head. "This is not real....This is not real" She started repeating over and over again under her breath.

A chuckle came from behind her; it ruffled through the beast as if it was laughing at her, as if it heard exactly what she said. As if it understood what she was saying. She could hear its paws against the ground and she waited to feel the teeth against her neck but instead she felt something warm and wet.

A tongue. It rolled around the back of her neck and she shivered in reaction. She heard another growl and then....shot up in her bed.

The sweat was dripping from her. Her covers had moved off the bed and her hair stuck in different positions all over her head. She felt disorientated. She was lost. Her eyes adjusted to the room she was in and she recognised it as her own. She was in her own bedroom. She turned to the side; her clock was by her bed.

It was 6:31 am in the morning. She lay back down trying to catch her breath. It was only a nightmare. She had had that nightmare before but it hadn't been the same nightmare. It was different. There had been one difference. Normally she woke up with the animal biting her neck, but this time it had licked her. It had run its tongue along her neck. Why had it done that? She was confused. She needed to shake that off.

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