2. Permission bites

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OOC: SO i started off all on the go at chapter one just to keep things interesting but don't worry a lot will be explained as well go through the book don't want to give it all away ...right away! 

But i love my girl Alexis! So let's hope good things happen to her alright :)

You guys are so amazing! thanks for commenting or reading it! I love to hear what you all think :D

Alexis began to change as soon as she got into her room; bouncing the door closed with her foot behind her she jumped out of her sweaty clothes, flinging them beside the door of the bathroom and dived into her warm shower.

It felt great against her skin and all at once seemed to ease away the pain she had just endured from Louie, the French vampire. She shook her head off from those thoughts and focused on relaxing in the shower. She couldn't stand to be smelly especially when she was around vampires who had a heightened sense of smell.

Louie always liked to point out if there was a smell coming from her, normally as dramatically as possible. It was always embarrassing and childlike but then again Louie seemed to be stuck at a very immature age. She wasn't sure if that were a good thing or a bad thing.

He couldn't have been much older than her; maybe about 24 years old? Yeah, well that was what age he looked. His real age was 136. Although it was hard to believe someone that old could ever be THAT immature then again, no one had ever spent a few bored hours with Louie.

He was the brother she never wanted or the crazy uncle she wished she could get away from. He was harmless of course and in his own weird way he was part of her family and if she were honest she would miss him if he was not around.

Within a few moments, Alexis's troubles began to wash away and as she washed out the conditioner feeling already more at ease, it was like her troubles were just washing away with the water.

Stepping out of the shower, squeezing the water out of her hair and grabbing a towel she wrapped it around her body and walked out of the bathroom to find Vladimir looking around her room. He seemed to be fixated on one of her pictures, one of a fairy surrounded by taller mushrooms and wildlife.

A favorite of hers, one that Vladimir seemed to be studying intently. She stood for a moment thinking 'At least it isn't Louie; otherwise coming out in a towel was a bad idea'. Alexis had a much stronger bond with Vladimir, he was like a father figure towards her, never seeing her as anything more than a child in his life. Whereas Louie was more like the creepy uncle who would flirt with anyone and anything that was around even Alexis. She always tried to avoid being alone with him, if she could help it.

The older Alexis got, the more Louie seemed to become more interested in talking to her and flirting with her. He always joked that it was all fun and games but that was somewhere that Alexis would rather stay away from.

So in that sense, Vlady was safer territory for her. A smile moved along Alexis's face and she couldn't help but move forward into the room knowing she was in safe hands. "How can I help you Vlady?" Alexis beamed out towards Vladimir; turning towards her, the older vampire shook his head at her old nickname for him.

Although he never really said much about it, a little smile always let Alexis now that he was happy hearing her call him that, even if he wouldn't admit it. "I just wanted to inform you that we were having a meeting tonight and there would be some other visitors about the house. I would like you to stay in your room if that is at all possible, Alexandra"

Now this was serious, Alexis could tell. Vladimir never used her full name unless he meant it. His stern, worried father look told Alexis that he was only looking out for her and that he was being serious about who was coming tonight. He didn't want her near them or in most cases – he didn't want them anywhere near her.

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