4. Typical Temptation

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OOC: DUN DUN DUN!!! So did you guys enjoy the last chapter? and now your going to have to let me know about this! Alexis is gonna have to face difficult choices as she learns who she is and what happened to her so i want you guys to help me decide what happens as we go though!

Like do you think she should get to go to school? or should she end up in more trouble stuck in the house with all the vampy boys?

Oh i can't wait to know what you guys think! :D


Alexis tip toed along the floor as she headed for the kitchen, she knew she wasn't supposed to be out of her room at this time of night, especially not tonight; when Vladimir had asked her specifically not to. But she had forgotten the most important thing, to drink after exercising.

Alexis had been in that work out room for a long time and she had had hardly anything to drink while doing that and then she had proceeded to her bedroom where Vladimir had told her to stay in her room. She had fallen asleep shortly after that and now woke with a dying thirst. She didn't want to disobey Vladimir, which was why she was trying to be quiet and take the long way down to the kitchen.

Although she didn't know if that would work considering they had hearing like a bat.

Vladimir always seemed to know where she was and what she was doing. She couldn't help that she needed a drink and that was exactly what she would tell him. She took in a deep breath and pushed on the right door knowing that it was the one to not squeak. She didn't want to attract unwanted attention. 

Alexis avoided turning on the light and moved towards the fridge where she knew there was a cool refreshing drink for exactly this situation. She opened up the fridge and cringed at the site of the blood bags stacked in the fridge. She felt herself go green, bile raised in her throat and she swallowed it back "Wrong Fridge" She mumbled towards herself, she always seemed to do that. Why couldn't she learn? She shut the fridge door carefully trying to keep quiet and moved to the next fridge, smiling when she opened it to find her juice.

The exact thing she was craving. She opened the cap and drunk from it straight away, cleaning away all the dryness in her throat.

A sigh of relief left her throat when she stopped drinking and she took a step back giving her space to shut the door. "That seemed....." a smile echoed in his throat "...Enjoyable" Caleb couldn't help but grin as he leaned against the blood-filled fridge. Alexis's eyes widened and when he spoke, she automatically moved backwards. Her eyes scanned the room searching for someone she knew, someone she could talk to. She didn't know who this was. Was this who Vladimir wanted her away from?

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Nothing to say young pup?" Caleb tilted his head and folded his arms in front of him as Alexis stared towards him. She gathered up her courage and pushed her chest out. She wasn't going to be insulted by anyone and she wasn't going to take to being called pup by someone who looked the same age as her. Besides what had Louie once told her? 'If you act courageous most people won't be able to tell the difference'. Alexis guessed this was time to test that theory.

After all this was her home, not his. "Who are you?" She tried to sound much stronger than she felt and she gripped her bottle of juice much tighter in her hand, hoping that it would show more strength. She remember Vladimir telling her that the little things you did with vampires mattered and if this was a vampire then she better test out the theory too. She tried to force herself to look serious and furrowed her brows in an attempt to seem un-amused with her guest.

Caleb pushed himself off the fridge and moved towards Alexis. "Cute. Acting like the guard dog already. I honestly don't see what the problem is here." Caleb took another slow two steps forward while he was talking. 

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