8 Time to be cold

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OOC: Is it chilly in here or is it just me? 

So my girl here is allowed to go to school not that her new vampire friend understands her or well do you understand her? We all go to school so i suppose we would always not want to go to school? I don't know!

But Alexis does. :DDD 


Over the next few days, Alexis spent most of her time in the Library or on the computer researching what she needed within school, making sure she was prepared for her start on Monday. She needed bags, books– each class was supplied with a different Utensil that was needed. She needed to feel ready.

Which she didn't feel she would be.

Vladimir helped her study as much as he could before retiring to his room and disappearing on Friday night like he often did; Alexis had grown up used too his Friday disappearances; she had often guessed what he was doing, feeding from humans – a secret lover, a debt he had to pay, check in with Daniel, feeding.

Louie tried to offer her help but mostly he just annoyed her with his comments on how humans behaved and how much he was going to miss her around the place.

The French vampire always seemed to be over dramatic. Alexis often wondered if he was bored and if he would really miss her because he wouldn't have anyone to talk to around the house anymore. Caleb and Alexis trained every second day for two hours.

Caleb acted differently towards her, he taught her the exact same and made sure she could easily defend herself as well as attack her opponents – the part that was different was the fun, joking Caleb seemed to be few and far between. He used to be able to let go. She started to look for those times.

When he would eventually just let go. The Sunday before her day of school was her day of fighting with Caleb, it gave her a break from her studying. "You realize that sitting in with those books all day is going to make you lose your mind" Caleb commented as he stood against the door in the Library. Alexis turned towards him, she was tired, her eyes were red and there were bags under her eyes.

A laugh echoed on her throat that seemed dry, she needed a drink. She kept trying to remember the basic needs for herself but lately with all the worry of school, she had forgotten.

When had she last taken a drink? When had she last been to the toilet? Slept? "I've not been in here for that long" Alexis countered, a small smile tried to pull on her face. "You've been here for 12 hours straight" That was something Alexis wasn't expecting to hear, she was really in there for that long?

"Oh..." She found herself trying to rethink where her time had gone. What time was it now? Had she skipped past a day? It was now Sunday? She dug into her pocket for the 'new' phone Vladimir had bought her for going to school.

Programmed with Vladimir's and Louie's number in it for emergency circumstances. The phone stated it was Sunday and that it was 7 o'clock in the morning. She let out a groan and pushed her head down on to the table. "I must have lost track of time." Caleb couldn't help but smile and move in to lift her chin up to look at him. He was being caring again; it was always a switch with him. He could be so lovely and kind one moment and then the next he was rough and stern. "It's alright. Are you strong enough to learn something or would you prefer to have a lesson after you sleep?" he questioned with general intrigue.

He hadn't lived with a human in two decades and even though it was so short of time he forgot how much some people needed to sleep and Alexis seemed to be different from everyone else. She would sleep half of the night and half of the day, which meant she was up half of the night with the vampires and the vampires were 'technically' up the second half for her.

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