10 Welcome to hell school

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OOC: I freaking love this title! So i hope you will enjoy this chapter just as much! I'm also thinking of putting up a cast list for these guys? what do you think? would you like to know who i imagine them all being when i write it? 

If people say yes then it will be done let me know guys!!!


"I think that is us then. We have spaces in English 12, American Government, Foreign Language Honors and College Prep" The teacher tilted her head to the side, her glasses pushed to the end of her nose.

The wrinkles covered her face making her look older than she probably was. Her eyes had left a vibrant brown colour and had moved more towards a dull hazel. Her body was pressed against the table and her green coloured clothes didn't compliment her at all. She pursed her lips together peering down at the schedule she had drawn up for Alexis before looking up to examine the student in front of her. "Would that be too your liking?" She asked although by the tone of her voice, Alexis nodded her head not wanting to disagree.

Vladimir had obviously tried to get her the best subjects possible with what was available, which couldn't have been much considering they were already through their first term and people would be just beginning to settle in to their subjects.

Alexis didn't bother with what subjects she had been giving she would be able to work through anything, she had learned enough with tutors, Vladimir and herself. She knew how to do the most complicated equation with any working that was needed.

Vladimir had made sure of that but she couldn't hate him for wanting to teach her.

She would be very thankful that she wasn't going in to school unprepared. "Very well. Your Classes are under each subject which will help you find each class. Every third period you shall report to your Home room Classroom. That's your third class which is straight down the hall and the second last Classroom on your left. Your first class is up the stairs, room L41, half way along the corridor don't forget to knock before you enter"

The older women handed Alexis the timetable in her hand before pointing out the door and towards the end of the corridor. Alexis's eyes couldn't help but follow the old women out stretched fingers before returning to her face.

"Thank you Ms" Alexis smiled although the women didn't return it; she merely turned back to her computer and got on with her work. Alexis left without being effected by the older women, through the doors and started her way down the corridor. Her eyes drifted over her timetable. Alexis had never been to school, she had never followed a timetable, she half wondered if she was going to be able to do such a thing. Her eyes widened and she looked at it.

She was going to be busy. It was a packed schedule. But she couldn't help but look forward to it.

There was so much to look forward too. English was one that although was very simple it was the one she most looked forward to.





7.45 – 8:30

English 12

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