17 Don't push me

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OOC: Now i don't know whether the title is going to be for it could be Sandy or it could be the lover boy werewolf but your just going to have to read the chapter and let me know what you think! I'll let you know who i wrote it for in the next chapter if people are actually interested in knowing that is!! 

Vote! Comment and let me know what you guys think? I was going to add some edits in for each chapter but I wasn't sure if you would like them!


The blood was boiling through Sandy; she was not going to give up. She was not going to let some other wolf come in and take away all the hard work that she had went through to get to the place she was. Sure, Sandy hadn't come from a completely Omega family not like her friend Marie had. Marie enjoyed her status and she really didn't want to be anything more. Her father was a Beta, and she had always striven to be better.

It had been drilled into her from being a little girl by her mother. Her mother had been an omega before she had moved up through the ranks and took on a Beta. Sandy wanted to do one better and snatch the Alpha. She thought she had done it as well; she had Nicolas right where she wanted him. He would do anything she said, he would fetch her things and even when they were together things could be heated.

Which was exactly how Sandy had liked things, they had only been officially together for 6 months and Sandy had known that his father disagreed with their union although he proceed to let them be together which just meant that Sandy could work on him more, make him want her more and make it so that Nicolas couldn't live without her.

Which she thought had worked.

But it was now all being kicked off – all her hard work had crashed to the ground because of that she wolf. Sandy felt herself growl as she stormed through the corridors of the school. She knew it wasn't the best idea to confront Nicolas in school especially when she was this angry.

Emotions were one of the things that fueled the wolves within them and Sandy's was scratching at the surface; ready for a fight although Nicolas wasn't the one she wanted to fight with. Alexis was. But right now she was going to settle with confronting Nicolas and hearing what he had to say about his behavior. No one bothered her as she moved through the hallway, she had a determined walk and even when Marie saw her, she backed away and decided against talking to the angry wolf.

When she spotted Nicolas he was stood against his locker with Alexander beside him. His back towards Sandy, she didn't even think twice as she marched towards the pair. Almost instantly Alexander's head lifted up as if to defend his alpha and realizing who it was, he gave a worried smile towards his friend. "Nicolas I need to talk to you" Sandy almost growled through her teeth, the alpha wolf turned although kept his back against the locker.

Alexander whistled as if trying to cover for the awkwardness he felt from being there with the two of them. "I'll catch you in class Nic." He said before turning around and leaving the pair to bickering, after all – Nicolas had already explained to them about the situation.

They knew why Nicolas had acted the way he had and he had already said that he needed to talk to Sandy about it. He had hoped to do it within the pack territory to keep Alexis safe and also to keep Sandy's anger away from the humans.

Nicolas hadn't the courage to tell her last night and when he had tried to find her, it seemed she had disappeared off running. His head had been spinning with thoughts of Alexis and he couldn't have concentrated on talking to Sandy at that moment anyway. So he was happy for the night to rest, but now he was regretting it. He should have done it within pack territory.

"I need to talk to you to Sandy, although this isn't the best place to do it in" Nicolas nodded his head, folding his arms in front of his chest and he re-positioned himself in more of an alpha order. Sandy noticed his movements and growled in response even though she could feel her wolf backing down at his order. She was not going to give in so easily. She was going to stand up for herself.

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