30 Nothing can go right from here

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OOC: OMG i can't believe it's coming to an end. With just a couple more chapters to go I feel like it's almost all over and it makes me so happy and sad about it all. What have you all thought of the story so far? 

Have you enjoyed it? I know my writing isn't all together brilliant but I'm hoping to improve the more I write and the more than comes with it. 


"I forgive you Vlady. I could never hate you, you have looked after me so well. You are not like anyone else I have met. I would have hated living with any other vampire. You have looked after me. Even Louie has cared for me in his own way" Her words echoed in her head as she searched through each room in the house that she had grown up in. She had meant every word she had said to Vladimir, she had told the truth to him, he had sacrificed a great deal to tell her the truth and he was sure the Elders weren't going to be happy when they found out.

But right now – Alexis didn't care about that. She couldn't care about that, she needed to find Caleb. Caleb had to be around here somewhere. It hadn't been that long ago since Alexis had last seen him. She rushed through the house ducking in his room to check if he was there. "Caleb" she called out but yet received no answer. She couldn't go back now and ask Vladimir, she needed to do this herself. Alexis stopped for a moment; she took in a deep breath and listened.

This good sense of hearing had to be good for something she thought as she tried to concentrated all her senses to one. Listening.

Alexis had never used her abilities, she had always focused on blocking them out, and never had she asked them for help like she was right now. Alexis closed her eyes hopping that it would help her ears pick something up more.


She heard it, at the front of the house; she could hear voices – raised. That couldn't be good. She couldn't make out the voices but for some reason, her soul was telling her it was Caleb and she followed her feeling towards it. Rushing, she found herself picking up her pace until she was standing at the door staring at the boys.

A vampire and a werewolf at each other's neck in discussion and not a friendly discussion at that.

Caleb was upset and scary - he didn't look himself at all. He had already thrown his temper towards Alexis not long before this and regretted it immensely. But now he felt like his anger was rightly placed against the other werewolf, he wasn't going to hold back this time. His eyes had darkened although he tried to keep calm, his fangs were out and his body was tensed up.

What made things worse was that the werewolf he was fighting was Nicolas. Nicolas was angry and he couldn't hide it; his fists were scrunched up, his stance was rigid and his breathing was becoming erratic. He was on the edge, Alexis began to panic.

She knew what came next - he was going to change. She wanted to back away but felt like she couldn't, she couldn't let them hurt each other. She gathered up her courage and took a few steps forward.

"Stop this" Alexis spoke clearly trying to keep her voice from wavering but they didn't even acknowledge her. There fight continued and Alexis tried to focus on what they were talking about especially since it was so heated and included two people she cared about. "......you know nothing you stupid wolf pup. You don't even know the fights between our kinds so don't pretend to understand your ancestor's efforts, baby Alpha" Caleb was seething; he was speaking through gritted teeth. Alexis had never asked how old Caleb was although she knew he couldn't be older than Vladimir.

That was evident in the way they acted with each other. Caleb although he could push his luck never pushed too far. He was most definitely older or at least stronger than Louie. Louie was scared of Caleb and although he talked big, he stayed clear of him. Nicolas didn't seem to have the same problem, he was pushing and it didn't look like it was helping the situation. Nicolas's laugh echoed through the room making Alexis hair stand on edge.

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