#59: Engagement Prelude

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Both Fifi and Theo were in their room, lying on their beds.

Fifi: Ah! I finally thought of something interesting for the engagement party. Theo, do you want to hear about it?

Theo was pretty tired after a long day of touring round the island. She was not interested in what was Fifi saying. All she wanted to do was have a good night's rest, and that was it.

Theo: Erm... NO!

Fifi: Pretty please. I think every one's asleep by now. So, it's only you that I can tell that to. I think we could have the same concept as the show, "It Started With a Kiss". So, Theo, what do you think of this idea? Good?

No reply.

Fifi: Theo? Are you asleep yet?

Still no reply.

Fifi got up from her bed, and headed towards Theo's bed. She leaned over and check whether if Theo's asleep. In fact, Theo was already fast asleep. But, Fifi really wanted to hear some comments about her plans. Thus, she did not care if Theo was going to scold her if she woke Theo up from her sleep.

Fifi tapped Theo's shoulders.

Fifi: Theo??!! Are you really asleep? Can you not sleep first?

Theo was woken up. Now, she was really very angry and pissed.

Theo (irritated): FIFI!!!! What are you trying to do? Can't you see that I'm sleeping?

Fifi: But..... I thought you were pretending to be asleep. So... I ...

Theo (sounded serious): So, can I sleep now? And, don't you dare wake me up again until the next morning.

Before Theo went back to sleep, she glared at Fifi, making sure that Fifi understood Theo's meaning.

Fifi's thoughts: Sigh.... Now that every one's asleep, who's going to hear if my idea was going to be good? Ah, I know. I shall go to Xiah and Micky's room. I think they might be still awake. Maybe Micky is still working on his music.

Fifi went over to the guys' room and knocked on their door.

*Knock Knock*

Micky: Who's that?

Fifi: Me. Can I come in?

Xiah: Fifi??!!!! Yeah, sure.

Fifi entered the room.

Xiah was lying on his bed, listening to his Ipod. While Micky was on the desk, working on his labtop.

Once Fifi entered, Xiah immediately sat up, and started to adjust his hair, making sure that his hair was not in a mess. Micky turned around.

Xiah: Fifi, why are you still up at such a late hour? What's the matter?

Fifi: Nothing. I just thought of something for the party. And, I think it's going fun. Theo is sleeping, and doesn't want to hear my ideas at all. So, I thought you guys might be still awake. Since, you guys are the ones planning the party with me, I should share my idea with you.

Xiah's thoughts: YAY! Fifi's not leaving me out of the party planning. I'm so happy.

Micky: So, what's your idea?

Xiah: Micky ya. How can you let a girl stand at the door while we are all comfortably seated down?

Micky: Oh, I forgot. Fifi, why don't you sit on the bed?

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